Kryssy8140 Member


  • I’m so thankful that you started this thread. I’ve been running for the past 4 weeks, and my last 3 runs have gotten progressively worse. I end up feeling winded, legs are heavy, and I’m huffing and panting halfway through the run. And I’m not even running the whole way, I’m using Jeff Galloway’s one run,walk,run method. I…
  • Hey Everyone! I'm new to the group as well. Looking forward to meeting my "twin" and supporting each other throughout our weight loss. HW: 182 CW: 169 GW: 125 LW: 120 (High School Days) :)
  • I'm glad someone asked this question because lately I've been wondering the same thing as well! And the comment above is the exact reason why I've decided to just make sure I get my protein from whole foods instead of the many supplements. Luckily, I'm at home during the day so it's easier for me to eat things that will…
  • Hey! Wow! Your progress is amazing! What Herbalife products are you using other than the Formula 1? Sounds like you are on the right path! Best of luck with your weight loss! Kryssy
  • Hope everyone is still doing well with their Herbalife! I just added a few people, however please feel free to add me! I enjoy staying encouraged and motivating each other through MFP! Kryssy
  • Hey Missy, I am in almost the exact same boat as you. I am 5'4 and started out at 183 pounds. This past Friday was my 4thweek of eat=ing healthy and right now I'm down to 179! Ultimately I want to lose about 50 pounds!Everyone please feel free to add me. I am consistently on just about every day and I love motivating and…
  • Hey People! I'm also very active on MFP and love adding other friends that can be supportive and helpful throughout this weight loss journey! Feel free to add me as well! Just a little about me I'm 30 years old and my goal is to lose about 50 pounds! I've been eating healthy and on this journey for about 4 weeks now and…
  • Hey!!!! I'm a consistent, friendly MFP user and I would LOVE some fellow friends! Feel free to add me. I've been on this healthy lifestyle journey for about 4 weeks, and my ultimate goal is to lose 50 pounds! Lets help each other out! Kryssy
  • Hey People! I'm also very active on MFP and love adding other friends that can be supportive and helpful throughout this weight loss journey! Feel free to add me as well! Just a little about me I'm 30 years old and my goal is to lose about 50 pounds! I've been eating healthy and on this journey for about 4 weeks now and…
  • Feel free to add me as well! So far I am loving the super supportiveness of everyone on here :)
  • Congrats!!! Keep up the great work!
  • Hey, Glad everyone is doing so well! Friday was the end of my coplete first week using Herbalife and in total I lost 3 pounds and 1% body fat! I am SUPER excited abotu those results, especially since I am taking things slow and easy, and weening myself away from crash diets where you lose a pound a day! 3 pounds a week is…
  • Perfect! Thanks so much! You've told me exactly what I needed to know! I stay full on the shakes for about an hour or so, but I think that's also because I do 4oz almond milk and 4oz water. I'd probably stay full longer if I did a complete 1 cup of almond milk! Thanks tho! A distributor nearby is going to let me try the…
  • Hey! I'm a newbie as well! I've been using Herbalife since Friday and am planning on sticking with it until August when I move. SO far I've been drinking the shakes for breakfast and lunch, then doing a healthy dinner as advised. I'm also going to try and do at least 30 min of exercise a minimum of 4 times per week! Wish…
  • Same here! No one besides me wants to hear about cutting calories and exercising lol! I'm also looking for fitness buddies so feel free to add me as well! Hoping to lose a total of 50 pounds eventually and I'm currently weighing in at 183 pounds at 5'4 :(
  • Hey, I am new here as well and my goal is to lose 50 pounds total! I'd definitely be open to being fitness buddies :) Just sent ya a friend request! Currently I'm doing 1000 calories a day with light cardio work :) Krystina
  • Hey everyone, I am in the same boat. I'm 5'4 and I'm starting my healthy journey at 183 pounds. I've been trying to loose weight with the master cleanse (lemonade juice fast) but it was KILLER not being able to eat so I am finally just limiting my calories, eating healthy and working out. Mind if I add you guys as friends…
  • Hey Everyone, After trying to complete the master cleanse (the lemonade juice fast) a GAZILLION times and failing each one, I finally decided to try and lose weight by eating right, working out, and limiting my calories. I'm looking for friends to join me on the journey as well. I am looking to lose about 50-60 lbs total.…