

  • I've been vegetarian for about 17 years now, and have been vegan in the past : ) Feel free to add me ❤ and great job on loosing 20lbs!
  • Once a week :smile: but with Easter, this week it will probably be twice. I really don't think I would be able to keep this up if I didn't have at least a little luxury every week :heart:
  • Sweets are my biggest downfall too. I have tried to replace them with healthier alternatives (nakd bars, low fat fruit yogurt, alpro desserts, low fat custard pots etc) or if I really want something I just try to fit it into my calorie allowance. I also have a low calorie hot chocolate every night so I don't crave…
  • Being told that I was no longer at a healthy weight to be on the pill. I never weigh myself, so I had no idea that I had gained 50lbs. I knew I was getting fatter, but I just didn't realize how much by, and what kind of effect it was going to have in my health. I was so shocked, but the nurse was so nice to me about it, I…
  • I'm in! I need something to get me motivated to start running again : )