How often do you allow yourself a 'treat' meal?

How often do you allow yourself a treat meal such as a takeaway, or a really chocolately dessert, or that meal on the menu you know you shouldn't pick.

And what are your typical examples of a treat?


  • tabithacate
    tabithacate Posts: 51 Member
    Normally once a week. If I have enough calories.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I don't call it a 'diet', I am just healthy, but I have a cheat meal once a week. I've been doing this for about 2 months, and only because my personal trainer recommended it. I'm close to goal weight, and he thought it would give my metabolism a boost.

    I don't tend to go for take-away as I prefer to make something myself. The one time I had Chinese (at my brother's house, it wouldn't have been my choice) I felt ill all night. We did have Dominos the other day, but I only had 3 slices.
  • sixfeettall
    sixfeettall Posts: 34 Member
    Ah, so you work out how much under your weekly goal you are and then have a treat accordingly?
  • :"Treat" can depend on the person. I usually have something not so healthy once a week at most. Home-cooked food this weekend is my "treat". Seafood gumbo today and some ham tomorrow.. yum..
  • taylorckt1
    taylorckt1 Posts: 263 Member
    once per week within's not about deprivation, it is about moderation...
  • Kath1391
    Kath1391 Posts: 138
    Usually once a week,I had a pizza today (only half tho) and I've got about 459 calories for the rest of the day,But I'll be exercising later so it's not so bad
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    once per week within's not about deprivation, it is about moderation...
    +1 (squillion)
  • Every single saturday is my "fat guy day"

    I get after it on fat guy days =)
  • Once a week :smile: but with Easter, this week it will probably be twice. I really don't think I would be able to keep this up if I didn't have at least a little luxury every week :heart:
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Usually once a week, but if I do it more than once, I'm not going to feel bad about it. I just try to do the best I can the next day.
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    I usually treat myself when I feel like it (sometimes once a week, sometimes once a fortnight, sometimes 2 days straight) It's all about moderation. I actually posted this on my profile the other day:

    This is life and being healthy, not a diet or a race. I am entitled to treats with all in moderation. Most days will be healthy, but there is nothing wrong with taking yourself of for a treat. It's all about managing the balance.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    How often do you allow yourself a treat meal such as a takeaway, or a really chocolately dessert, or that meal on the menu you know you shouldn't pick.

    almost everyday which is my problem, I take that back, it is everyday. there's always room for what you want, it's give/take
  • sixfeettall
    sixfeettall Posts: 34 Member
    I feel like I've been cutting out treats for myself. I mean, I have literally been at this a week but I've told myself I'm only allowed a 'treat' when I have a full day at school (that's two days a week) and as long as I walk both ways (around 3.2 miles).
    My definition of a 'treat' was a 2 finger kit kat but I'm realising how stupid that is.
    If my calories are quite a bit under my daily goal, I might have around 70g of chocolate ice cream which totals at around 200cals, I think this was working a bit better than my 2 finger kit kat treat!

    I feel like I need a happy-medium when it comes to treats but also allowing them to myself only when I feel like I've earned it.
    Tomorrow is Easter, so I'm sure I'll be treating myself plenty in the coming weeks I guess!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I like this term SO MUCH better than the commonly used "cheat meal" or cheat day" ... Seems like you have a healthier attitude toward it. That being said, it really depends. It is a marathon and not a sprint... it is about changing eating habits forever so whatever we are doing to lose weight needs to be sustainable until death does our body/spirit part... That being said, early on, I was more goal oriented. As I am approaching my goal, I am ok with only losing a pound or two per month (as opposed to the 12-15 lbs I was losing early on (was morbidly obese)... My goal is still there and I will get there... but I am focusing really more on a maintenance mindset at this point so I am adjusting my diet (actually, it is not a bad term if used properly.. everybody, even those with bad ones, have them)... to more of a slightly below maintenance mode.

    Anyway, the short answer is... it depends on what is going on. Some weeks. No treats.. Others, 2-3 is ok.
  • MallorieGreiner
    MallorieGreiner Posts: 135 Member
    Once a week or twice a week, but I fit it in my macros. =) This week was such much deserved Taco Bell and tonight is California Pizza Kitchen....after I kill it at the gym.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    The cafeteria at the hospital I work at makes a really yummy chicken caesar wrap. I estimated the calories to be about 600-700. I treat myself to one of those about once a week or so. I just make up for it later by eating a mostly veggie dinner.
    Then, I also have pizza or spaghetti night with the family once a week. I don't go overboard on those days, but I do indulge more than the rest of the week.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    whenever I want, as long as it fits into my daily calorie count
  • ZekeK
    ZekeK Posts: 7
    I have a desert which is my downfall, which is the Scottish shortbread cookie -- a small brick shape cookie, which individually are around 110 calories because they have so much butter in them. They are delicious; they are also expensive for a college student, which helps limit my intake of them. When I do have a box around the house, usually I will eat one a day since I have trouble hitting 1200 calories in the first place due to being a vegetarian and exercising daily.

    Though Easter is going to be fun. The chocolate crunch bunny will not see it coming. Nor will the pizza that follows most likely, knowing my family "traditions". B)
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 668 Member
    This morning I did...but I wish I would have looked at the calories first...McDonald's Cinnamelt=460...I don't think that "cheat" was worth the amount of calories and I'm regretting it. Oh and learn...I think you should allow one treat meal per week. :smile:
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I use IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) regularly. You can have a treat meal, just be sure to plan the rest of your day accordingly. Get a treat without setting yourself back. Easter, Christmas Day, birthdays etc I have what I want, within reason. Tomorrow I will, but I've been really good all week and will be back on it Monday.