Bbowling03 Member


  • When you start working out all the sudden your body is like "what the hell" and tries to store some fat. I was in your situation in that I never could get down past 5 pounds. Now, I eat a high fat diet, very low carbs and low gluten. I am in your situation as I have no movement in my foot and had major knee surgery. That…
  • Agree with everyone else. Replace shakes. 3 months ago I was doing juicing (carrots, apples, kale, spinach, beets, etc) with some protein powder. It's a lot of sugar; though natural still sugar. I cut down juicing a lot, but still a good source of vitamins. Lower Carb intake. Carbs are addictive and leave you craving and…
  • It has helped me tremendously. Good sugar is still sugar. I didn't ban them, but my intake is way lower. Basically fruit, bread, etc is carbs. Carbs are addictive and tell your brain for more carbs. I eat way more fat then I do carbs, not really even being too concerned about cholesterol. (body works off fat faster & brain…
  • I've only been on for a week. I'm eating UNDER the calorie count and working out both weights and elliptical and have gained 3 pounds. The only think I can think of is that I'm eating the wrong things at the wrong time. In morning is various juicing (Kale, cucumber, carrot, spinach, etc) with a protein powder / lunch is…