

  • Figure out what triggers these cravings. My problem is at work! Everyone has a basket of candy on their desk. I recently made a pledge not to touch any of those baskets. It's sad. Two days in and I feel like I'm going through withdrawals. I can't even look at them when I walk by but I'm determined not to touch them. Good…
  • I was having a difficult time recently trying to stay at 1200 calories but opted to up my caloric intake to 1350 per day and increase my activities. By increasing my workouts, I can earn extra calories to my daily intake. Yes it's extra work but it allows me to indulge a little so I don't feel like I'm being deprived of…
  • Welcome! MFP is wonderful once you get the hang of it. The logging of the food is so easy if you use the scanning feature. I've been using MFP since April 2011. Every now and then I forget to finish my log for the day but without this I would be lost. It's literally my lifeline to achieving my goal. Stay focused and all…
  • My goal is to lose the last 10 lbs! I've lost 60 and have made a commitment to reach 155 lbs. The smaller I get, it seems like the the pounds are harder to come off but I'm determined to do this! This is the smallest I've been since 8th grade and it feels great!