wickedmessenger Member


  • Hi Nerds! I'm Shannon. Superman fangirl - in OH so yes, I did buy the Superman license plates. I have Serenity hanging from my rear view as well because lets face it, Firefly was the best. Which is why my dog is named Malcolm - AKA Captain Fuzzy Pants. I love Doctor Who as you can tell from my ticker. Which is also why I…
  • Check out Mark's Daily Apple (www.marksdailyapple.com). It's a good website for "primal" eating (high protein, low carb).
  • I'm a walker. Outside, on the treadmill. Prefer to walk outside in the park or go hiking or what not. I also do strength training 2-3 days per week. I've used those Leslie Sansone workouts as well and I agree - they are great. She works your upper body as well as your lower body. Good stuff!
  • ahhh here is the recipe I used to make veg soup...I just adapted this hot and spicy braised peanut chicken recipe. Basically you can leave out the chicken and peanutbutter and the quick cooking tapioca (which is to thicken the sauce). I always adjust seasonings too. So added sweet curry powder to it as well. And of course…
  • I don't use a recipe, but here's what I use in mine... I usually use chicken broth or stock, tomato juice, red pepper flakes, salt, pepper, garam masala and all sorts of veg - cabbage, celery, onion, garlic, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, squash...just about any kind of veg I can get my hands on really. I just play…
  • I've been where you are! I was out of work for close to 2 years. It's HARD!! I sat there and watched Netflix all day and ate pizza for a long time. Make up your mind to make it happen. It can be done. It's time to change your life :-) "So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then,…
  • I use no sugar or sugar subs these days. BUT, I used to use agave in my coffee. IMO, it works better than honey for coffee because it doesn't have a flavor...honey has that...honey flavor :-) Honey is for hot tea when you have a sore throat.
  • I listen to a wide variety of things. I need variety in my music. So my current play list includes - Metallica, K'naan, Muse, Bob Dylan The Pogues, Outkast, Nina Simone, Madeleine Peyroux, Johnny Cash, Joss Stone, Janelle Monae, Summercamp, Poi Dog Pondering...to name 1 or 2.
  • EEK. I like: American Horror Story The Walking Dead Game of Thornes Luther Copper Ripper Street True Blood Sons of Anarchy Community Suburgatory Teen Wolf Supernatural The Vampire Diaries DOCTOR WHO (#10 is my favorite) The best TV show no longer on the air must be Firefly.
  • Thanks everyone!
  • I like tattoos to a degree. It's fine for other to have their whole body covered if that's what suits them - I don't judge :-) I just feel bad for people who have been... poorly inked...by someone who really has no business doing tat's. I have 3 superb tatoos - Trinity knot, a clover, and the Superman shield (in pink and…