

  • I have AT&T. How do I get at these free videos?
  • I would love to do P90X but its so damn expensive! All those intense workouts are. Im a college student buying books for next semester and when I say I'm flat broke, I'm being completely serious lol. All my money goest toward gas, car payments, stuff for school, etc. I wish they were a little cheaper.
  • I think its great that you want to be healthier for your children instead of sitting back and accepting it as an inevitability as some people do. I have two good tips for helping you. 1.) Get a workout buddy. Find someone who can workout with you, especially when you move to workouts other than walking. A friend working…
  • Yeah, I need to pull out my Wii fit again. It is fun. The problem is that its just not as good a workout as I need. I would read on a gym bike but Im a poor college student and I cant really afford gym prices right now lol. I play racquetball occasionally but again, it costs money, so I dont do it as often as Id like.
  • I have the exact same problem. I became a vegetarian at about the same time and Im pretty picky so I eat way too many carbs. I found a good traditional Chinese rice dish that's easy to make and modify to your liking. Its a great way to get some healthy veggies into your day. You need: About 2 cups of rice, cooked…
  • Wow great job! You look awesome! P.S. Word of advice for your next pic though, I would use a different background. The crazy zebra walls are a touch distracting lol :)
  • I totally agree! The problem with a lot of the foods people tend to label as healthy (i.e. granola bars, yogurt) is that even when they don't contain a lot of calories, they make up for it by containing a TON of sugar! I went grocery shopping the other day thinking I'd get some healthy yogurt for a light snack, but when I…