Need help! Need motivation!

Hello! My name is Jessica. I'm 18, a college student, and I need some motivational tips!

I've always been a really small person, I'm only 5'0, so even putting on a small amount of weight reall shows on me. Last December I got very sick and ended up needing sinus surgery. Long story short, I was sick for several months and due to my inactivity ended up gaining about 30 pounds. This site is helping me cut back on my calorie intake, and I'm a vegetarian so that helps as well, but my problem is exercise. I can't seem to find time and when I do, I just can't stay motivated! I want to get the weight off, so does anyone have any good tips that help them keep themselves motivated? I would appreciate it if you shared them with me. Thank you!


  • striker1988
    striker1988 Posts: 20
    Hello Jessica,

    I have a few suggestions for you:

    1. Depending on your exercise regime, the exercise time would typically vary between a half hour per day and 1:30. A half hour on the elliptical each day, if you're doing moderate to high intensity, should be enough for your cardio workout. If you're looking to weight train as well (muscle cuts fat very efficiently), add about 45 minutes to an hour to that figure. Doing this 3-4 times a week shouldn't be too bad, especially if you're just doing cardio; that's only a half hour per day.

    2. Make a really inspiring playlist of your favorite music that really pumps you up; at least if you don't like the burn of the exercise, you'll enjoy the music, and it gives you a good rhythm.

    3. Remember that if you're exercising the right way, it won't be comfortable. You'll feel the burn, either during weight training or cardio or aerobics or whatever it is that you do. The burn is good, and you have to grow to love it. A little pain and suffering here and there results in amazing results later; you just have to acclimate-- it takes time, but it's not all that difficult.

    4. Remember that fitness is never an end-goal, but rather a journey. Getting committed to a program that works for you and makes you feel good on a regular basis is something that only you can resolve to do. And it has to be something that's long-term and sustainable.

    5. Before your workout, take something that gives you energy to keep pushing through it. Things that are typically good are low glycemic index carbohydrates. For example, a half cup of old fashioned quaker oats is an excellent source of energy to help you push through that workout.

    I wish you all the best of luck, and if you have any other questions, lemme know!
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Welcome! And I definitely understand what it's like to be stuck... I know a lot of us have found that fun workouts like walking the dogs, dancing, Wii games, etc. (things that are truly FUN) are what we stick to. Those people who are runners do it because they love it. I get so bored on a run I don't know what to do with myself. But I'm a horseback rider, so if I could stay in the saddle for 3 hours a day, I'd do it. So the best thing to do for motivation is find something you love. If you love to read, maybe try a gym bike that you can read on. I also find that I work out more when I have a great tv show on during my workout.
  • koreansponge
    Yeah, I need to pull out my Wii fit again. It is fun. The problem is that its just not as good a workout as I need. I would read on a gym bike but Im a poor college student and I cant really afford gym prices right now lol. I play racquetball occasionally but again, it costs money, so I dont do it as often as Id like.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Any kind of movement is good. On campus, if time permits, try to take a longer way to get to class just to get your legs moving. Cardio is your best friend so if walking is where you have to start, then just try to do A LOT of it! I can easily fit all my strength training into a 30 minute segment so if you can find 30 minutes (say at night when you're not doing anything or even during studying). You could break it up... while you study, take a 5 minute break and do some push ups. Next break, do some crunches or sit ups. Just little things will definitely help if you don't have a lot of time. You'll start to notice a difference!

    The thing that keeps me motivated is the fact that I've been thinner than I am now...I've always been chunky and overweight but there was a time when I was a healthy weight (even with some flab) and I just didn't know it. I always thought of myself as fat because I have a medium sized bone structure which means I'm "thick". So I look at that picture (in my profile pics) and I KNOW I can look thin again, but this time with some muscle!!! :happy: