larisaleader Member


  • could you keep the selling yourself to a minimum here? We're here to support each other, not take advantage by trying to sell the next best weight loss book!
  • Bre, If it helps, I'm overweight by ~110 lbs and I just hired a personal trainer. I don't care what she looks like as long as she can help me get to my fitness goals. My husband is overweight by 40 lbs and is studying to get his ACE certification to become a personal trainer and we've talked to lots of peopleall of whom…
  • I need a buddy too and will happily be yours. :) I've got over 100 lbs to lose so I'll be doing this for a long long time. ;)
  • Calories in versus calories out are the main ways of tracking for weight loss. Try to get healthy calories, of course, but ultimately it still comes down to what you eat versus what you burn off. Congrats on your new job! :)
  • I totally agree. But a quick and easy "fix" sounds so tempting. It's quick & easy to spend the money and say you're doing something. But the consistency and the eating healthy regularly is much harder. I have done weight loss shakes and yes, I lost 17 lbs, but then when I stopped I gained nearly twice that back on.
  • I need to lose over 100, but I'm with you and I'm motivated. Yah for Day 3 of my journey to getting back into shape!