Nadireth Member


  • Thanks for the replies! Yeah, I've got both apps synced to each other, so I'll end up with something daft like 900 calories remaining- or possibly more depending on the day. I'm just a bit worried that if I eat back any calories from working out, then I definitely won't lose any weight. I've been using the app on and off…
  • I only do this type of day twice a week though as I work part time, normally it is a spinning class (700 calories burnt) once or twice a week so I set the activity type to 'light' as I'm not working out every day.
  • Thank you for your reply :) I mainly got the 1600 from the MFP calculator on the iPhone app, it originally gave me something like 1548 but I rounded it up to 1600 for the sake of my sanity. In retrospect, I agree with dropping the 3lb target - gotta remember that it's a marathon and not a sprint! But I must apologise, I'm…