Net Goal = ???

Right, I think I have this worked out now. In order to lose weight, I must factor in my exercise and make my NET calories equal my allowance set by MFP.

eg, tonight I was at work (in a bookshop where I spend most of my time walking around) = approx 1056 calories burnt while my recommended goal is 1600. So to eat some of my calories back and try to get nearer my goal, this happens

2145 calories eaten - 1056 calories burnt = 1089 net calories with 511 remaining

Obviously, I know eating what ends up to be 1089 calories isn't good for you, but is my understanding of the system at least on the right track?! Once I know this, I can move forward and work towards the amount I need to lose weight

(Oh, and thanks to leebesstoad for helping me out earlier!)


  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Change your activity level to include your workday, that way you don't have to add your workday in as exercise, just eat what MFP tells you unless you do actual exercise.
  • Nadireth
    Nadireth Posts: 8 Member
    I only do this type of day twice a week though as I work part time, normally it is a spinning class (700 calories burnt) once or twice a week so I set the activity type to 'light' as I'm not working out every day.