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dmiivanov Member


  • First of, 2-3 meals per day so you get hungry, properly .. ;) then bacon, and rib eye roast.. and 6 eggs per day at least. Oh, and whole milk with every meal , of course.. a gallon per day ..
  • Squats, deadlifts (only with proper form) and bench press and pull ups (or pull downs ). Also, only with correct form , or else muscles won't grow!! 3 sets of 8 reps each. when it gets to easy add slightly more weight. Oh and of course, protein (chicken , beef, eggs, milk, cottage cheese ... ), 1g / lb of body weight ,…
  • Well being big is a really good thing in itself, you can do tons with a good body ! Also, in my opinion, to be considered a man and thus to be respected, it matters a lot what do you do with that bigness
  • I once talked about it on here, and got yelled at by a whole bunch of myfitnesspall-ers, who know the law of physics responsible for their weightloss: it's always "energy in" vs "energy out" ! and that after starvation your resting metabolism is down by a few percent or so. I thought about it for a bit, and now I realize…
  • Is it true? Of course! Except for one minor detail: it takes actually 9 weeks for your friends to notice.. ;) so keep going! The numbers are in the right ballpark
  • 6'2'' 205 lb 32 yo. 3200-3400 Cal 1. lifting 2 - 4 times / week, depending how it feels 2. high intensity prolonged cardio ( mountain / climbing ) 1/week, 3-4 hrs typically, and eat much more on those days so that only 1000 Cal deficit remains 3. Always walk to the bus station on the way to work and all the way home from…
  • Or it could equally well be written by someone who had.. but overcame those issues in a natural way without relying on big pharma.. ?
  • You can try getting up early in the morning ( at sun rise) and just walking, for an hour. Make certain to.pick the most beautiful part of town for that purpose, and just focus on what you see. This simple thing has been shown to curb high cortisol in people who live stressful lives. Try doing that every day if you can. Oh,…
  • I sometimes purposely create a plateau after scales don't change in 7 days. I'd eat maintenance for 2 weeks, gain a couple of pounds or so ( feels awesome BTW!) and then go on with the weight loss. It seems to always resume itself without problems and then drop below the starting one.
  • Another thing to try out is carb cycling: eat more carbs on the days you train, if it's heavy weights or high intensity cardio, and cut some carbs out on your off days, when you do mostly slow paced cardio, things like walking or slow jogging. You can adjust how many carbs you're cutting so that it gives you an average…
  • I disagree with anyone who says you should do more cardio and keep cutting. it can only make you skinnier, and in the end you'll still have that annoying belly. Why not build muscle first? Yes that means going to the gym, lifting weights heavy enough to stimulate hypertrophy, eating adequate protein, and being in a slight…
  • I'm probably least qualified to answer that, but yesterday I was wondering about the healthy body fat percentage and I saw a government made chart on that. I remember for men it's like 8 % minimum, but for women it's much larger, and it says there that women will very likely have this problem if you're body fat is too low…
  • I think what you did is great for the long term success. You've let your body rest from the stress of calorie deficit, for a bit, and without going into old habits, let hormones balance out and stuff. I use this technique whenever I'm cutting, and it always works like magic. When you go back to the deficit, it's (calories…
  • It's often said in literature that the good fat burning hormones (HGH, testosterone.. ) are produced when you sleep. I think it's a good thing to have a little bit of good fats ( peanut butter ) readily available at that time.
  • So I've spent some time reading research papers about the starvation mode following links here . They don't always seem consistent but the numbers I see are like between 1 and 8% reduction in metabolic rate after prolonged periods of starvation ( very little to no food) So Why could possibly the technique of eating normal…
  • OK, I can't argue, because there's no scientific evidence to any of that. ;) but it works for me, so I'm gonna do that!
  • I agree with the mantra everyone keeps repeating on here : "it's calories in vs calories out". But I think it's also worth a while to consider things that can potentially increase your "calories out " . Have you wondered why it is much easier to keep the fat off when you're younger? Yep, it's the hormones. And to have well…
  • Yeah, I agree. Thanks toall for their efforts in making my information more accurate.
  • OK, let the "starvation mode be a myth " then. But the techniques seems to work great, and since it works I'll use it and recommend to anyone who asks.
  • OK, maybe you know about female weight loss better than I do; ) and maybe it is a myth in the weight loss community. But it worked for me 3 times that I tried in the past few yours, and each time I'd come out of the two week reset feeling great, motivated, having most of the strength back, and making further progress at…
  • Take like a 2 week break eating at at your maintenance. It'll reset you're body's metabolic rate so that you're not in a starvation mode any more. Then continue your usual calory deficit program and you should be able to start losing weight at the same rate again.
  • You sound like his mother; ) if that's not the case then let it go, he's a man he can figure it out
  • I suggest that you approach this subject from the point of view of STRENGTH: recognize that it is not about you.. it is they who are acting weak and silly, just like little kids, when they're making such comparisons that serve no real purpose other than just getting your attention ;) Just stop giving it them when they act…
  • Because relationships require a great deal of fairness, in my opinion. or else there will be resentment.
  • Just quit complaining and do it; ) and there's nothing wrong in losing weight for someone IF that's reciprocated
  • Oh, I've done the same, and it's totally possible to lose weight and quit at the same time! Now quitting smoking does impacts hormones at some level but if you're active aerobiacally and also start lifting (but not overtraining!) then it'll quickly balance 'em out and really soon it'll feel way better than when you were…
  • Well, first important question is, how do you feel now ? Do you feel less motivated & bombed out.. or are you still full of energy and enthusiasm and wondering why the weight loss isn't happening any more? ;)
  • Well, how often do these shifts happen, once a week or once a month?
  • An average person may very well be even undereating those 10 or 100 or even 250 calories on a typical day... But when it comes to going out, or even better, holidays... ;)
  • Milk... A gallon of whole milk a day..