

  • Great job on your recovery Eryn! :flowerforyou:
  • Okay, first... as you've learned in treatment... your metbabolism is whacked with the purging and restricted calories. SO... take baby steps in upping your calories and getting them to about 1200 a day. It will get your body out of starvation mode and start getting your body burning more calories a day. Easier said than…
  • You are an inspiration! And I know a lot of people that weigh themselves on carpet... which also makes a big difference on the scale. So.... what is your plan now? You've done what most people dream of doing in losing all that weight... but still - I can only imagine how frustrating it would be to have an inaccurate scale…
  • Great job! This is the time where you really need to stick with your nutrition and fitness goals, the weight loss is the best motivator in the world! So proud of you!!! Whooo Hooooo!:drinker:
  • OH... I forgot to tell you all that I ran my 5K this morning! YEA! I was however; passed by several speed walkers and lapped by a 5 year old. Seriously, the 5 year old beat me by 5 minutes. That's a bit of a reality check!
  • Deedun.... first, put your workout clothes on... you don't have to workout... just put them on. Once you have done that... come back to this blog and read the rest. Don't cheat... go put them on...All dressed? Well, for crying out loud... you're already dressed, just put in the dvd and do the damn video. I'm a tough love…
  • Yeah, I agree... my back is sore doing the wheel -- it's a good workout for the entire core!
  • 5K Run Tomorrow! Pray that I don't have a coronary. I am intimidated by the "run" aspect... as I do more of a shuffle, hopping kind of motion. But... I really think I can shuffle my butt all the way to the end and get my t-shirt. I want that damn shirt... not sure why... but I do. My goal is just to finish... BTW... my…
  • I'm curious about your smoke ticker too.... I've been on Nicorette for almost a year... am COMPLETELY addicted to Nicorette and I chew it ALL day long - but better than smoking!
  • One more thing... I have a hard time doing FIRM workouts now... the cueing and instruction is soooooo mundane compared to Chalean in TJ! I wish Chalean would come out with more videos... - snarf aka Andrea
  • I totally feel ya... it's sooooooo frustrating when you work out so hard, count every stink'n calorie and at the end of the week, the scale hasn't moved. I've actually looked at the scale and thought, "noooo, that can't be right... I was good all week and worked out like I'm competing for the olympics". However, I can tell…
  • Hello Ladies! As a newbie to the board, I just have to say that you guys are a bit addicting! I can't believe how motivating it is to just check in and read your posts! So, I just have to share my St. Pats craziness... I've really been tyring to be good, but my husband and I always throw a big shin dig on St. Patricks Day…
  • Hey Jammers! Amanda... I hate when I forget to bring my lunch, I don't want to each a bunch of calories I'm not even aware of when I have to grab something out... what I have been doing is thinking about the places to eat by where I work, and then go on-line and get the nurtrition menu for that restaurant and pick out…
  • Sara, I'm new to the blog (not new to MFP, just blogging on it), but joined when I saw a thread on Turbo Jam because I just love it.... anyway, I wanted to tell you congratulations!!! You have done soooooo well! You need to treat yourself to a mani and pedi and some rock'n new panties and bra to accentuate your new fab…
  • Megan... I can't thank you enough! I am in the same boat as you... I don't have much to lose, but I didn't think it would be sooooo hard! I'm going to take your advice and get a HRM and maybe that will help me better calculate actual calories burned. Back in the day, I could lose 5 pounds in a week without much effort....…
  • I LOVE Turbo Jam! I started it two months ago and am completely addicted. This afternoon, I did Tae Bo Ultimate... it's 90 minutes and they say it's a "test" and don't expect to complete it, just do what you can and it's only something you should do once a week.... I breezed through it. Honestly 45 minutes of Turbo Jam…
  • YEA! Great news! What tips do you have for us? How did you go about losing the weight?
  • Tracy Anderson mat video. It's not aerobic, but OMG... it's doing many repetitions of simple moves, like lifting one leg behind you an pulsing upward.... many times. The arm section is KILLER and that is without weights. I could have cried, but the results have been AMAZING! Tracy Anderson is the trainer for Madonna and…