peanutbutteraddict1 Member


  • i am often slightly low on protein, however i am a vegetarian and so nuts are a major protein source for me:) well i have been experiencing problems with bloating lately and couldn't really find a cause.. thought this might be related. Have seen the doctor about the bloating and the medicine isnt really working so decided…
  • thank you for your advice- that is a fantastic suggestion :) I like that idea alot! Will certainly focus on eating more from now going forward. 2100 seems like a lot of food though haha, will have to start upping my intake slowly.
  • thank you very much for all the advice- tracking my steps seems like a great idea! guess only time will tell too- not going to let this stress me out too much:) does 1700ish calories a day seem about right as a starting point?
  • I have just experienced the exact same problem today! . Oats this morning with peanutbutter banana and cinnamon. Then afew hours later had 2 squares of dark chocolate, 10 chocolate covered almonds, an apple, 5 rice cakes with almond butter, 3 pieces of rye bread with peanut butter, 2 nakd bars and a bowl of high protein…