Im doing almost the same as this! Found a program online had hubby tweak it a bit though.. How is it working for you?
any updates? im starting phase 1 today!
lol.. very true.. can't help but look!
no one?
What would you suggest for a female that wants to start getting into lifting weights? what program would you suggest? im 5ft3 159lbs.. 27.2% bmi 43lbs fat.. and I want to get that down!
After I had my first child I went from 170 to 230... then lost down to 140's Then I went back to 150's.. then I got pregnant again and went back up to about 190lbs.. then after 6 months back to 157lbs Moved and haven't been as active... but now my son is 15 months old and im at 159lbs and working on it!!
Thanks everyone. I know that it will take overall body fat loss to get this to shrink! I was just looking for the exercises to add to my full body workout! :-)
date ;-)
sometimes motivation needs to be faked.. until it gets back! I barely have motivation but I keep telling myself that ill get there!!
@lookin4gains sounds like your the one who has a good heart. as a dual military wife.. now were both out and im a wife of a police officer... its not an easy life. yet its easy to stay faithful.. (for me.. not so much for him)
* blush ** too kind dear sir @cdlee05
date @cdlee05
lol! whos in Alaska with me! Spa it is!
spa for sure!
reply to earlier
I get it!
real deal here
husbands a cop <3
frisked last night ;-)
feeling is mutual
profile ;-)
thats 4 words
why that pic?