Chellsy302 Member


  • Oh my gosh! If you are on a budget you will LOVE Aldi!! They are WAY more inexpensive than the regular grocery store and there stuff is good
  • If you are careful and check labels, some of the skillet meals in a bag are acceptable amount of calories as a main meal and it is quick. I like english muffins - also for a quick breakfast sometimes I get blueberry toaster waffles....the blueberry is enough sweetness for me. Toast and run! Asparagus is low calorie and…
  • Welcome back! I too signed up last year right about this time. I kept up with it pretty well for a few months and lost about 20 lbs. I have kept most of it off...I think the holidays packed on 2-3lbs though! But, I am back on again!! So good luck and hope you stick to really does work because you can have things…
  • Exactly...I am only supposed to have 29 grams of apple has 26 g...if I have some milk or other fruits or even veggie like a sweet potato, that's it...I mean, I am trying to be good about it but it is really hard. Sometimes, I avoid eating fruit because I don't want to use up all sugar in one piece of food and…
  • I just realized something....I don't know what dirt tastes like.... :laugh:
  • I agree...I like tilapia because it is mild tasting and not fishy...I don't think it tastes like dirt but everyone has different tastes I guess. There is a difference in buying frozen filets and the actual whole fish. I like both but the whole fish has better taste and texture.
  • Well, I did break a sweat but probably more from the heat of the oven! haha! I was pretty tired at the end of it...pretty much spent 7 hrs straight cooking...whew! but, I have lots of great food that is ready to just pop in the oven or microwave and eat!! Thanks for your input everyone! :)