

  • Remember when you have a bad day, just start again tomorrow. The more you feel bad and defeated over it, the more chance you have to continue a bad pattern. This is a great place to share your bad days.. we all have them. Just stay strong and keep going forward.. :)
  • I will let Rafael take this one, BUT... just for the record, it is my experience that with the correct nutrition, protein and aminos (BCAAs), supplementing with creatine is not needed, and in some cases may be dangerous.
    in Rafael Comment by jojovinnie April 2014
  • I believe a once a week measure if fine to do when you weigh.
  • Awesome !! I am with you all!! Been having great results so far, but a little more motivation can never hurt!!
  • Awesome!! Welcome.. Thank you for the recipes.. If you want to get to the facebook page you need to take off the exclamation point at the end of the link.. thank you!
  • When we are starving and not eating, we are in starvation mode. When we are hungry, there is only two things it can be, thirst or hunger. If we are hydrating and drinking enough water, and we are still hungry, then we need to eat. We must get back to listening to our bodies cues.... if we constantly ignore our bodies when…