Checking in ....
Just a quick check in on how everyone is doing. I have been holding steady while building lean muscle. Adjusting around some of my measurements, which is great, so all in all, on the right track. I do think I need to add some more good fats into my diet. How are you all doing?
I am so happy to have Rafael ( rafcaps ) here with us.. He is an amazing personal trainer, and has lost over 100 lbs himself! He is a great resource! Please feel free to ask him questions! He is here help us all! Yay!!
Scale vs Measuring Tape
Ok so this came up again today, so I thought I would write to the group about it. I have a great girl that I am working with, she is struggling with understanding that to get a true gauge on your progress, you need to have measurements AND weight, with the measurement really being the more important of the two numbers. A…
What is YOUR Favorite Healthy Recipe??
Let's post up our most favorite healthy recipes... Mine to come soon!
Detoxing and weight loss... what are your thoughts?
There are so many different detoxes and cleanses out there.. It is so confusing on what to do.. juicing, colon cleanse, liver cleanse... etc.. etc.. I have done many myself, have researched a ton of them, and used many with my clients. I have found that a if you are going to detoxify, you will never regret it you look for…
Am I eating enough calories?
Is anyone familiar with the term "starvation mode?" I have found this to be an issue in so many people I meet, as well as myself. I have had to learn that food does not equal fat. Sometimes we think that "if I eat.. I'm going to get FAT!" But I have to remind myself everyday that, food = fuel, and clean food = clean…