ani091769 Member


  • This is great place to reach your goal. Use all the tools and reach out for help and motivation. I've got a lot of work to do myself. Good Luck!
  • Congrats on starting this journey. You've made amazing progress!!! I just started this week and I have about 145lbs to lose. I've lost 40-50 off and on and gained it back. I'm determined to get it all off now. I just want to feel good and be a good role model for my daughter. Let's do this!!! :)
  • I have this issue myself and I can't eat eggs because for some reason I can't digest them. If you can handle eggs...hard boil a bunch of them and have them handy. I do this for my teenage daughter from time to time. You can either have a couple eggs with low carb toast or even pick up some pre-cooked bacon or low-fat…
  • As others have stated it's really up to the individual. (a know thy self kind of thing) I for one gain if I don't log. If eyeballing what I eat and just making good choices worked for me I wouldn't be as heavy as I am. (but that's me) However if your weight gain is not a lifetime struggle but maybe a season in your life…
  • Thanks everyone. I guess I just need to get out of the "breakfast foods" mindset and just eat what works for me. Thanks for all the suggestions. I've got some good ideas :)
  • The pancakes made with protein powder sounds interesting...I'll have to check it out. I do have peanut butter off and on. Thanks!
  • Thanks everyone! Very helpful. Honestly my endurance/stamina is getting better so I can get in a pretty good cardio workout in 30-45 minutes. The weights are getting less intimidating as well. Thanks again and wish me luck! :)
  • Thanks! I think I will starting thinking in terms of "size" and not so much the scale. I think that alone would lessen my frustration!! :)