Stevie00018 Member


  • I love running so of course I waited to ask my midwife if I could continue my 3mile runs while pregnant. She advised that I can keep doing my workout as long as I've been doing it. The only thing I shouldn't do is exercises that I haven't done. Like, if you've never strength trained don't wait until you're pregnant to…
  • In my first trimester saltine crackers and ice cold water were my best friend. It only took a few crackers to help make me feel better and cold water always felt nice on the inside of my tummy. Everyone is different when it comes to their morning sickness. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do in order to make…
  • I'm 23 weeks and started to feel lower and mid back pain. I asked my midwife & she confirmed that's it's normal. She didn't suggest anything that you already haven't tried. if I've been real active it's sharp pains, other wise it's just achy after a long day of carrying around the extra weight. Sometimes when my husband…