

  • Its not just me then... Its quite disheartening when you see others doing their weigh ins and have lost pounds. I have put on 3!? I dont understand how as I have been logging everything and am trying to be online with the calorific guideline but generally falling under the amound suggested. I have been working out too. To…
  • I have the same thing a few days before I'm due on too. The thing that makes it worse is the cravings for carbs in the week prior to coming on. I just never feel full and want stodge and sometimes chocolate whereas normally I dont really crave anything and eat quite sparingly and healthily. I haven't noticed anything in…
  • Hey, I breast fed both my boys for about 11 months each and all I can remember is haveing an over whelming desire to eat cheese. Everything had to have cheese. I lost weight up untill around about the 6 month mark, but that is when I started to give a bottle before bed so i could sleep. You have to remember that the qualiy…
  • Thanks for the input guys :happy: I have been going a bit smoothie mad, and eat a fair amount of veg anyway so I think it is gonna have to be the nuts and dried whole grain direction :)
  • I shall have to get my bottom to the wholefood shop tomorrow and grab me some mixed nuts and fruit. I need to lean to healthy snack!! :happy: Another thing I wonder about is how to get whole grains into food. I imagine whole grains as, you know, just the grain. I cant do porridge :sick: hmmmmm. Gonna have to look around…
  • you aren't rubbish. I cant do pull ups, but then I never have been able to. I think you have to have massive upper body strength and/ or a really low body weight to do more than a couple of them. Sit ups get easier really quickly once you get going with them. Maybe try doing a bums legs and tums aerobics type class to…
  • Hey, I'm probably in the same boat. Got about 2 stone to lose and really find it hard to get motivated to go to the gym, especially when its soo cold and wet and miserable outside. :ohwell: The thing is I know I'm gonna feel so much better for it when I get there. You can add me if you like and we can hound each other to…
  • hey, I'm new too and also shy and unlikely to randomly add people. Want to lose about 2.5 st and maybe have a normal ratio between my bum and waist so I can wear trousers that fit me properly all over! Oh what a dream that would be not to have Jeans that are too big in the waist but tight on my thighs! :happy:
  • Interval training works for me. My gym instructor has told me to do rowing intervals EVERY visit to the gym but only for 6 reps, so 30 sec on 30 secs off for 6 sessions going at it as hard as you can, then once a week do tredmill or sprinting intervals for 15-20 mins. Its hard to start off with but it really does show…