

  • I did a version of it - other than almost crapping my pants a couple of times (good times!) and the fear of being more than a short sprint away from a bathroom, nothing "good" came from it. I literally crapped that money away.... but hey! Do what you want!
  • I say screw him AND his family - if they are that superficial, then it will only get worse as the years go by. Has he offered to go exercising with you? Has he done ANYTHING to indicate that he will support you in any way to help you lose weight OTHER than a freakin' breast reduction? Really? Sometimes people need tough…
  • I too had braces as an adult - and the first week was AGONY as I got adjusted to the movement of my teeth. As others have said, soup is a good option - since you have allergies, make it out of things you are able to eat. I lived on Campbell's Soup at Hand - all the veggies, etc were small so I could basically swallow them…
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