Getting braces next week and refuse to live on milkshakes



  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    I have had braces for almost 2 years now... It is gonna suck when they are fresh, and whenever they decide to put in a weird new wire or appliance (depending on how your teeth are). I never went strictly liquid diet because liquid is not food... but anything soft should be alright. Mashed potatoes, beans, fish, and eggs are your friends and of course some kind of pain killer an hour or so before you eat! Or you can make some baby food (blended veggies and meat) if your into that sort of thing....It will become easier to find things after a few days, you'll realize what's soft enough for you to handle. But after the initial pain goes away you can eat pretty much anything.

    Good luck!
    I hope your not in tooo much pain!
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    I got braces in my late 20's and could eat pretty much anything with a few exceptions. I couldn't eat anything chewy (caramels, gum, gummy bears etc...) and I couldn't eat corn on the cobb, had to cut in off the ear. or if I ate chicken I had to pull the meat off the bone. And steak was hard to do depending on how tough it was.. And they warned me against drinking anything that would stain my teeth. The only time I was sore was when I would get them tightened, and I wasen't always sore after that even, just depended on how much they tightened them. So you may have a few times where you won't feel like chewing anything but for the most part you shouldn't have to change your diet much.
  • dmdeschamps
    dmdeschamps Posts: 58 Member
    Honestly it's only the first 2 days that you feel any pain. After that it's more just getting use to eating differently, cut your food into smaller pieces and chew slower. Things that can be cooked extra to be softer are also great.

    Good luck, and trust me it is so worth it! :)
  • Finnegan1330
    I too had braces as an adult - and the first week was AGONY as I got adjusted to the movement of my teeth. As others have said, soup is a good option - since you have allergies, make it out of things you are able to eat. I lived on Campbell's Soup at Hand - all the veggies, etc were small so I could basically swallow them without having to chew. Foods that come to mind that were satisfying, but easy to eat were mashed potatoes (white or sweet), carrots - cooked so they were soft and mashed - almost like a souffle, etc.

    A word to the wise if you are prone to getting mouth ulcers - invest in a Kanka-Aid mouth sore gel stick - it's a little twist wand with a brush on the end that allows you to rub the numbing medicine wherever you have ulcers - unfortunately, that was the main complaint I had when I first got my braces from the brackets rubbing the insides of my mouth / cheeks. It's only about $6 - but WELL worth it!
  • hazymary
    hazymary Posts: 190 Member
    I don't understand why you think you need to live on milkshakes...I have braces, I have rubber bands in...heck I even had a tooth pulled last week. Didn't stop me from eating "normal" maybe had to go with soft foods for a day, but other than that some Motrin should be all you need.
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    invest in a Kanka-Aid mouth sore gel stick - it's a little twist wand with a brush on the end that allows you to rub the numbing medicine wherever you have ulcers - unfortunately, that was the main complaint I had when I first got my braces from the brackets rubbing the insides of my mouth / cheeks. It's only about $6 - but WELL worth it!

    Great tip! I will look for it thanks!
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    I hate asking questions on here bc people are so unnecessarily judgmental and literal. Do I actually think people drink smoothies and milkshakes for the first few days? Sure. Is it something I am going to do? No that is why I posted the question. I was simply looking for those who have braces that could offer ideas such as GF broths or vegetable/fruit smoothies.

    Everyone's pain tolerance is not the same and my mouth happens to be quite sensitive so I know for the first few days I will need to have softer things. I had a handful of fillings today and can barely open my mouth much less eat. I do not take any pharmaceuticals for personal reasons so relying on aspirin will not be an option for myself personally. I sincerely thank every one who offered advice and mouth/food ideas!

    For anyone who finds this in the future and is interested, here is a current list of soups and such from Campbells that is GF. Should help with those first few days of braceface. Cheers! Gluten Free Products List_Jan 2013.pdf
  • rosered93
    rosered93 Posts: 69 Member
    I felt the same way when I got my wisdom teeth out--I was already feeling crappy, I didn't want to compound that by downing sugar and fat all day ha. If you don't have an immersion blender, I recommend getting one (not just for this, it's a great tool in any kitchen).
    I made a lot of curries with red lentils, then pureed that down (try to avoid using vegetables with a lot of seeds if you're worried about them getting stuck in the new braces.)
    Polenta, grits, gf porridge--endless options there, both sweet and savory. Cook in some egg whites/whole eggs for extra protein boost. One of my favorites was polenta cooked with tomato paste, broth, and some herbs until it was a nice porridge; stirred in some egg whites; topped with goat cheese and a bit of balsamic. Delicious :). Another delicious one was oat bran cooked with smoked paprika, garlic powder, cayenne, liquid smoke, and old bay; stirred in egg whites then blended in (using the immersion blender) some cilantro and cauliflower that I had steamed then sautéed in a bit of butter.
    The perennial favorite of protein ice cream: protein powder, frozen fruit, a bit of milk, some ice, all blended together (as you're gf you might have xanthan/guar gum around--throwing a small pinch of those into your smoothies makes the texture amazing).
    Blending frozen bananas in a food processor gives you the texture of soft serve ice cream. If you're looking for something a bit more substantial you can blend peanut butter and cocoa powder in with them.

    There's lots you can do--milkshakes are certainly not the only thing :)
  • Phoenix2024
    I'm three months into my adult braces. I eat everything! It's just a matter of picking it out of your teeth later lol.

    Though my friends (who had braces) all look at me in envy since I've had very little pain throughout the process so far. I guess it's different for everyone, depends on how much your teeth need to move!
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    didnt read all the other responses...i think each person can have different experiences so yeah maybe you will be ok but maybe not, my daughter could not really eat for about a was that painful. for her milkshakes werent even an option as it hurt to suck in. so with that in mind, you might have to give up the notion of "full meals" and stick to hodge podge meals:

    baked potatoes
    mashed potatoes
    cottage cheese
    pasta, like elbow macaroni where it is small and doesnt reuire necessarily biting
    very ripe kiwi
    bananas (cut up)
    frozen greek yogurt
    smoothies (although again my dd needed a spoon couldnt use a straw)
    scrambled eggs
    good luck!
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    I just got my braces off about 6 months ago (at age 38). :glasses:

    Can I just say that for the first few days sweet potatoes, scrambled eggs, and green smoothies are your friend.

    I had a rough time whenever I went in for an adjustment, and came to love burrito bowls as my food of choice. Brown rice, black beans, some nice soft onions and peppers, avocado, tomato, some greek yogurt on top and I was in squishy food heaven. ~> The big thing for me was having options that looked like they needed chewing, but really didn't.

    Happy eating, metal mouth! :bigsmile:
  • Misty2024
    Misty2024 Posts: 70 Member
    I work in the dental field and I had braces as an adult....yes your teeth are sore the first few days but if you take Advil/ ibuprofen (3 or 4 tabs = 800 mg which is prescription strength every 8hrs) then you will have no problem at all eating regular food even the first few days....don't let people worry you you don't have to go with liquid it's not at all that bad as long as you take Advil....if you don't like to take Advil then you will be dont know what to tell you on that one...the reason your sore after fillings is due to totally different reasons then braces so you can't compare the two.....good luck
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    my niece has braces, and she eats almost everything as anyone else, she's still a kid, but still.
    she doesn't eat nuts, most candy, popcorn, it doesn't seem to have limited her very much.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Shakes may be out, but homemade fruit smoothies? Just throw in some yogurt, a little milk, and whatever fruits you'd like! You can also add protein powder to them if you want. I lived on a lot of applesauce and soft fruits as well...It's been so many years that I can't remember what else....
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    i didn't have braces, but the last time i was having issues with my mouth, frequent mouth wash really helped.
    numbs the area and helps with swelling if there is any, also an appetite suppressant, you don't want to constantly brush.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    When I had braces, I don't really remember having to change my diet very much at all... I remember no chewing gum, maybe no nuts (But back then I didnt eat nuts anyway)... Hard fruit, like an apple for example, can be very difficult to bite into, because of the brackets that are on the teeth. Unripe pears and peaches pose the same problem. Cut hard fruits into bite-sized pieces, so they can be chewed with the back teeth. Some goes with hard vegetables like carrot, broccoli and cauliflower before its cooked. Tough cuts of meat can be so difficult to chew. Choose lean meat.

    ETA: Oh & no hard boiled lollies/candy.
  • katsmah
    katsmah Posts: 2
    I had adult braces about 20 years ago and lost about 40 lbs. The first few days are rough, and also the days when they are adjusted. I ended up losing so much weight because I didn't snack. I was brushing after every meal to get food out of the braces and snacking meant another brushing.

    Make sure you get plenty of dental wax to keep the braces from rubbing the inside of your lips. I remember that was a very sore area. Good luck!
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    I am getting braces next Thursday. Oh the joy of adult braces. Everyone has been telling me "just forget the diet and enjoy ice cream". Well I am not on a diet, I changed my lifestyle. I will not be pounding shakes or ice cream cones anytime in my future but am looking for any guidance as to healthier options. *yes I do know that its only the first few days not the entire 18 months* ;-)

    The other issue...I have a gluten allergy so I have to steer clear of soups and most broths.

    I do have some protein powder (I need to check it for gluten) and I also have a personal blender so can make some healthier shakes but does anyone have any ideas?

    I really appreciate any thoughts or suggestions!
    I have a friend whose son has Celiacs and he has lost so much weight. Mainly because she is having a hard time figuring out how to adapt her recipes. So many foods have gluten in them. I don't envy your situation. Here's some ideas. Swanson chicken broth and Progresso broths are gluten free. Progresso has quite a few gluten free soups. V-8 splash and vegetable juices are gluten free. You could also make a homemade chicken soup (no noodles). Fruit smoothies. All varieties of Chobani yogurt are gluten free- not sure about the rest. Special K protein shakes are gluten free. (I had that on hand). I think most protein shakes are gluten free. Baby foods are already pureed and if you get the stage 1 or 2 it is usually nothing, but the fruit or vegetable. The fruits aren't too bad. (It's just a thought). Good luck, and Bravo for not giving up even if it's only a few days.
  • mandybee2012
    mandybee2012 Posts: 3 Member
    I had them as an adult, and (if your experience is like mine) the good news is that they'll never hurt as much after an adjustment as they do the first few days. I still remember trying to chew sauteed mushrooms the day after I got them on and wincing the whole time. Mushy vegetables, yogurts, applesauce, scrambled eggs, and the soups you've found should all be fine. It gets better pretty quickly. Good luck!
  • pbandz
    pbandz Posts: 128 Member
    If you love ice cream don't cut it out completely. I love ice cream and desserts so I've found low calorie frozen yogurt and fat free ice creams that are just as good but don't fatten you up!