The Master Cleanse



  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Has anyone tried this cleanse? If so, what are your opinions on how it works and how well your stayed on it. I just started it today. I've been told even though it's an oldie, it's a goodie to cleanse your body the all natural way. What do you think?

    You mean the syrup-cayenne pepper-lemon water cleanse? It's just not something you can keep doing so you're bound to fail this eventually.
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    The human body has 2 kidneys and a liver to detox your blood. No need for any extra help.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I guess I should say CLEANSE. The word detox is not the exact word I should have used as I'm not wanting to detox from chemicals or anything like that. I'm mainly wanting to get rid of the bloat that I have been feeling lately. I'm miserable. I have cut back on eating trigger foods and things that may bloat you. but not feeling any different. Again, I'm not doing this for weight loss at all.

    Also, I have been drinking water like crazy to help with the bloat, but in my own personal opinion, the water makes me feel worse when it comes to bloating. I hate the sloshy feeling in my stomach.

    Again, I appriciate every ones opinions. I guess you can call me stubborn. Day 1 has already made me feel much better and more motivated to chose healthier foods when I'm done. I'm definately continuing this to see how I feel when all said and done.
    Move right along, folks! Nothing to see here.
  • ami5000psu
    ami5000psu Posts: 391 Member
    Yes, I've done it several times and it really works. I think the most I was able to stay on it was about 7 days and lost about 10 pounds of junk from my colon (I used to love Double Jumbo Jack burgers with ketchup and mustard only). I prepped these perfectly measured drinks in large plastic containers. You have to buy good, organic lemons, lots of them, or get them free from friends who have lemon trees. Get the right kind of maple syrup, just like the recipe calls for. You have to have the drink available for you when you get hungry, and don't be afraid to drink more than it calls for if you get headaches. Please read the whole book to understand how it really works. If you eat very healthy, you may not have that many toxins in your body. But if you eat lots of junk, trust me, you will feel phenomenal in just one week. People here who are against it have probably never done it right. You have to follow the recipe meticulously. I watched a youtube video where a gal did it for 30 days and dropped lots of weight, probably mostly muscle, so I would NOT recommend you do it long term. If you want to focus on losing BODY FAT, then I recommend the Ideal Protein Protocal where you work with an *Ideal Coach*. Today is my 70th day and I have dropped 35 pounds of FAT. The Ideal Protein Protocal preserves your muscle while keeping you in Ketosis long term in order to use your fat stores as energy. It's the easiest thing I have ever done, and I don't do more than walk about three times per week. :-)

    How do you know the junk was from your colon? Did you ask it?
  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member

    For those of you that say that it's dangerous and that we don't need to detox, you just don't understand a few things.

    We do need to detox. Different detoxes are made for different reasons....

    here's an example that most women can especially appreciate but never think about in terms of "detoxing" it's yeast. It affects all of us but especially women, so when we eat things with good, live active cultures, we are detoxing from some of the bad bacteria in the gut. Doesn't this make sense?

    The liver filters out most drugs like asprin, advil, alcohol, other prescriptions and so on so when the liver is taxed it could stand a detox as well and I can tell you that the body is not just made to cleanse itself or no woman in the world would ever ever ever suffer from a yeast infection now would she?

    Now you have the kidneys, the lower gut, the colon. You have bacteria, viruses, fungus, and parasites. Parasites are a big one if you're a raw food vegan like a used to be.

    The body doesn't just take care of itself or there would be no need for doctors... ever. We have to keep a healthy balance in our systems. Eating crap or "The Standard American Diet" (SAD Diet) can surely tax the body.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    This is how I cleanse...


    Seriously. Didn't we just go through an entire how to starve yourself thread at the end of last week? Do we need to break out the same old arguments again?
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member

    The liver filters out most drugs like asprin, advil, alcohol, other prescriptions and so on so when the liver is taxed it could stand a detox as well and I can tell you that the body is not just made to cleanse itself or no woman in the world would ever ever ever suffer from a yeast infection now would she?

    Yeast infections are from an overproduction of bacteria.

    And if you try to clear out ALL the bacteria, you'll wind up with the mother of all yeast-infections. Your trapper keeper needs some bacteria to keep it healthy.

    S'true. What happens to all the healthy critters when you kill 'em as colateral damage?
  • leannedown40
    leannedown40 Posts: 6 Member
    I did this cleanse about 6 years ago and lasted 15 days. Once I began to eat regular food again, I gained 40 pounds (gradually) that I am still trying to get rid of, 6 YEARS LATER. the salt water flushes are bad (according to my physician)and it throughs your metabolism completely off. I wish I never did it.

    Good luck if you choose to do it
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member

    For those of you that say that it's dangerous and that we don't need to detox, you just don't understand a few things.

    We do need to detox. Different detoxes are made for different reasons....

    here's an example that most women can especially appreciate but never think about in terms of "detoxing" it's yeast. It affects all of us but especially women, so when we eat things with good, live active cultures, we are detoxing from some of the bad bacteria in the gut. Doesn't this make sense?

    The liver filters out most drugs like asprin, advil, alcohol, other prescriptions and so on so when the liver is taxed it could stand a detox as well and I can tell you that the body is not just made to cleanse itself or no woman in the world would ever ever ever suffer from a yeast infection now would she?

    Now you have the kidneys, the lower gut, the colon. You have bacteria, viruses, fungus, and parasites. Parasites are a big one if you're a raw food vegan like a used to be.

    The body doesn't just take care of itself or there would be no need for doctors... ever. We have to keep a healthy balance in our systems. Eating crap or "The Standard American Diet" (SAD Diet) can surely tax the body.


    Wow. That actually sounds very close to being science...

    ...but it's not.

    1. The vast majority of people have no issue with yeast. If they do then that is an issue to speak to your doctor about as there is little evidence that diet has any effect (if you know otherwise, please do post up the evidence - peer reviewed, of course). 99.9999999% of people have none of this "bad bacteria' in their gut.

    2. Yeast infections do happen but going on a "cleanse" will make not one iota of a difference. Again, got yeast? Get medication.

    3. Parasites? Really? Evidence please! Yes, some people do have parasites, but very few in the Western world thanks to clean water and good healthcare. Worried you have a parasite - see your doctor. On the whole parasites are yet another myth put out by people trying to sell us colon cleanses (just because you saw someone on TV in House harbouring a parasite which was making them ill does not mean we are all infested).

    As for the Master Cleanse... OP, have a search of the forums for previous posts and you will find a host of information giving both sides of the story (mainly the one with scientific backing - no need to "cleanse". The body does a good job of it and the Master Cleanse does no such thing).
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    I do the Irish cleanse every Saturday morning.
  • elle2bee
    elle2bee Posts: 70 Member
    I did this cleanse about 6 years ago and lasted 15 days. Once I began to eat regular food again, I gained 40 pounds (gradually) that I am still trying to get rid of, 6 YEARS LATER. the salt water flushes are bad (according to my physician)and it throughs your metabolism completely off. I wish I never did it.

    Good luck if you choose to do it

    Thank you for your honest and kind opinion.
  • dmkirk28
    dmkirk28 Posts: 75 Member
    I do this cleanse 4 times a year with the change of seasons. IT is benficial in keeping toxins out of my body and recharging my system. I do not use it as a weight loss aid, as you gain it back as soon as you start eating again. I do the fasting for 5-10 days each time. PM if you want to swap stories.
  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member
    Let me add something to my last post....

    I don't believe in this pepper and lemonade cleanse but I do think that you could cleanse with lots of fiber and maybe do a 2 day fast or something like that but to stay on the lemonade cleanse for an extended period of time is not a good idea.

    Maybe large organic salads with no dairy or dressing with black beans, fiber, fiber, fiber. You know what I mean. Then 2 days fasting with the lemonade mix.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Yes, I've done it twice, 10 days each time. I cannot recommend it. I had symptoms of heart irregularity near the end each time and ignored it. Turns out this "cleanse" can severely disrupt your electrolyte balance. People have died. I feel lucky that I didn't.
  • Finnegan1330
    I did a version of it - other than almost crapping my pants a couple of times (good times!) and the fear of being more than a short sprint away from a bathroom, nothing "good" came from it. I literally crapped that money away.... but hey! Do what you want!
  • twoss9112
    twoss9112 Posts: 162 Member

    here's an example that most women can especially appreciate but never think about in terms of "detoxing" it's yeast. It affects all of us but especially women, so when we eat things with good, live active cultures, we are detoxing from some of the bad bacteria in the gut.

    Doesn't this make sense?

    No it does not make sense. A yeast infection is caused by a pH imbalance. When the acidity level drops, the yeast can begin to reproduce, etc etc, causing said infection. Alkaline/acid balance in the body is what controls this, not cleansing. Some live cultures (acidophilus, for example) can help in this regard. "Cleansing" wil not stop you from developing a yeast infection.
  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member

    For those of you that say that it's dangerous and that we don't need to detox, you just don't understand a few things.

    We do need to detox. Different detoxes are made for different reasons....

    here's an example that most women can especially appreciate but never think about in terms of "detoxing" it's yeast. It affects all of us but especially women, so when we eat things with good, live active cultures, we are detoxing from some of the bad bacteria in the gut. Doesn't this make sense?

    The liver filters out most drugs like asprin, advil, alcohol, other prescriptions and so on so when the liver is taxed it could stand a detox as well and I can tell you that the body is not just made to cleanse itself or no woman in the world would ever ever ever suffer from a yeast infection now would she?

    Now you have the kidneys, the lower gut, the colon. You have bacteria, viruses, fungus, and parasites. Parasites are a big one if you're a raw food vegan like a used to be.

    The body doesn't just take care of itself or there would be no need for doctors... ever. We have to keep a healthy balance in our systems. Eating crap or "The Standard American Diet" (SAD Diet) can surely tax the body.


    Wow. That actually sounds very close to being science...

    ...but it's not.

    1. The vast majority of people have no issue with yeast. If they do then that is an issue to speak to your doctor about as there is little evidence that diet has any effect (if you know otherwise, please do post up the evidence - peer reviewed, of course). 99.9999999% of people have none of this "bad bacteria' in their gut.

    2. Yeast infections do happen but going on a "cleanse" will make not one iota of a difference. Again, got yeast? Get medication.

    3. Parasites? Really? Evidence please! Yes, some people do have parasites, but very few in the Western world thanks to clean water and good healthcare. Worried you have a parasite - see your doctor. On the whole parasites are yet another myth put out by people trying to sell us colon cleanses (just because you saw someone on TV in House harbouring a parasite which was making them ill does not mean we are all infested).

    As for the Master Cleanse... OP, have a search of the forums for previous posts and you will find a host of information giving both sides of the story (mainly the one with scientific backing - no need to "cleanse". The body does a good job of it and the Master Cleanse does no such thing).

    1. A vast majority of people actually DO have problems with yeast but don't know it and often blame the problems on something else, doing weeks, months, years of using other medications with never finding the cure or treatment. Yeast can cause many many more problems than those that we normally think of and they can be anywhere on the body even in the brain. I can't make this **** up, it's proven.

    2. Yes a cleanse can make a difference if the yeast is in the right place... The gut, if it's lower in the gut then good luck, yogurt won't survive that far.

    3. Parasites? Yes, it happens... Sushi, under cooked meats of any kind, raw veggies not washed as well as we thought, walking barefoot, swimming in fresh water, IT HAPPENS. Wake up.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member

    For those of you that say that it's dangerous and that we don't need to detox, you just don't understand a few things.

    We do need to detox. Different detoxes are made for different reasons....

    here's an example that most women can especially appreciate but never think about in terms of "detoxing" it's yeast. It affects all of us but especially women, so when we eat things with good, live active cultures, we are detoxing from some of the bad bacteria in the gut. Doesn't this make sense?

    The liver filters out most drugs like asprin, advil, alcohol, other prescriptions and so on so when the liver is taxed it could stand a detox as well and I can tell you that the body is not just made to cleanse itself or no woman in the world would ever ever ever suffer from a yeast infection now would she?

    Now you have the kidneys, the lower gut, the colon. You have bacteria, viruses, fungus, and parasites. Parasites are a big one if you're a raw food vegan like a used to be.

    The body doesn't just take care of itself or there would be no need for doctors... ever. We have to keep a healthy balance in our systems. Eating crap or "The Standard American Diet" (SAD Diet) can surely tax the body.

    You are one of the most dangerous people on this site. Far too much use of Google.
  • elle2bee
    elle2bee Posts: 70 Member
    You're welcome everyone. I'm glad I could be of assistance for your overly sarcastic remarks which clearly stems from pent up frustration or lack of a sexual partner. (or just low self-esteem) Whichever one I don't care. I know........ life can be so hard on us. Let's jump online and verbally attack someone for sport because I'm too chicken S**t to do it to someones face. It's much easier making fun of someone online than in person.

    This entire thread was the highlight of my day. From the bottom of my heart or colon...THANK YOU.......not only for being absolutely ridiculous, but for the entertainment. Especially those of you that posted visuals. The visuals were AWESOME. (clapping hands)


    I can be a douche bag too!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    P.S. - yes I read the book. Yes, I did the lemonade cleanse exactly as instructed. Exactly. The book says your electrolytes will be balanced during this cleanse. The book is wrong for at least some of us.