The Master Cleanse

elle2bee Posts: 70 Member
Has anyone tried this cleanse? If so, what are your opinions on how it works and how well your stayed on it. I just started it today. I've been told even though it's an oldie, it's a goodie to cleanse your body the all natural way. What do you think?


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    To cleanse your body the all natural way, eat whole foods and drink lots of water. Allow your internal organs to do their job.

    The Master Cleanse for weight loss is just a complicated way to purge.

    Think about it, what would you say to a friend who told you she was taking laxatives to help her lose weight?
  • elle2bee
    elle2bee Posts: 70 Member
    I appriciate your opinion. I'm not really taking it to lose weight. I'm taking it for what it was intended for. To detox. I don't like the herbal or chemical detoxes. I don't like putting that stuff in my body. However, I don't have a problem using natural and organic ingredients to detox.

    (Think about it, what would you say to a friend who told you she was taking laxatives to help her lose weight?)
    I'm not understanding why this comment was made. I never stated I was using this for weight loss. The comparison of this and a a laxative is a bit of a stretch. I'm not putting any chemicals in my body.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I have just never understood what needs to be cleansed or detoxed when people ask about these. Our bodies are made to do these things naturally.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    It's not healthy and your body does not need to detox.
  • HugzNKissez89
    Your body has natural mechanisms to "detox". The master cleanse will do you more harm than good. The simple way to detox is just to eat 1 ingredient foods, drink ONLY water, and alow your body to do what it has evolved over thousands of years to do.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You do not need to detox or cleanse - you body does that anyway.

    What exactly do you think you are going to detox with this?
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    cleanse your body the all natural way. What do you think?

    I think that your letting your body "cleanse" or "detox" itself is the ACTUAL all natural way.
  • Boocakes08
    Isn't that why you poop? That's the best master cleanse out there!!!
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Isn't that why you poop? That's the best master cleanse out there!!!

    How much does that cost??
  • elle2bee
    elle2bee Posts: 70 Member
    I guess I should say CLEANSE. The word detox is not the exact word I should have used as I'm not wanting to detox from chemicals or anything like that. I'm mainly wanting to get rid of the bloat that I have been feeling lately. I'm miserable. I have cut back on eating trigger foods and things that may bloat you. but not feeling any different. Again, I'm not doing this for weight loss at all.

    Also, I have been drinking water like crazy to help with the bloat, but in my own personal opinion, the water makes me feel worse when it comes to bloating. I hate the sloshy feeling in my stomach.

    Again, I appriciate every ones opinions. I guess you can call me stubborn. Day 1 has already made me feel much better and more motivated to chose healthier foods when I'm done. I'm definately continuing this to see how I feel when all said and done.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Never tried it, but it doesn't sound healthy
    Dietitian Melinda Johnson, RD, doesn’t see anything positive about this diet plan.

    "There is no scientific evidence that you need anything like this or any other detox program to cleanse your body or help you lose weight," she says.

    She suggests staying away from smoking if you want to avoid toxins. Otherwise, trust your liver to do its job..

    Experts agree that such unbalanced plans are not only ineffective, but are also potentially dangerous, depending on how long you stay on them. Fasting can rob your intestines of healthy bacteria that aid digestion and boost immunity.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I guess I should say CLEANSE. The word detox is not the exact word I should have used as I'm not wanting to detox from chemicals or anything like that. I'm mainly wanting to get rid of the bloat that I have been feeling lately. I'm miserable. I have cut back on eating trigger foods and things that may bloat you. but not feeling any different. Again, I'm not doing this for weight loss at all.

    Also, I have been drinking water like crazy to help with the bloat, but in my own personal opinion, the water makes me feel worse when it comes to bloating. I hate the sloshy feeling in my stomach.

    Again, I appriciate every ones opinions. I guess you can call me stubborn. Day 1 has already made me feel much better and more motivated to chose healthier foods when I'm done. I'm definately continuing this to see how I feel when all said and done.

    It would've been far more simpler to start with "I am going to do this. Agree with me that it's a good idea because I'm just going to do it regardless."
  • surfteam1689
    surfteam1689 Posts: 73 Member
    Yes, I've done it several times and it really works. I think the most I was able to stay on it was about 7 days and lost about 10 pounds of junk from my colon (I used to love Double Jumbo Jack burgers with ketchup and mustard only). I prepped these perfectly measured drinks in large plastic containers. You have to buy good, organic lemons, lots of them, or get them free from friends who have lemon trees. Get the right kind of maple syrup, just like the recipe calls for. You have to have the drink available for you when you get hungry, and don't be afraid to drink more than it calls for if you get headaches. Please read the whole book to understand how it really works. If you eat very healthy, you may not have that many toxins in your body. But if you eat lots of junk, trust me, you will feel phenomenal in just one week. People here who are against it have probably never done it right. You have to follow the recipe meticulously. I watched a youtube video where a gal did it for 30 days and dropped lots of weight, probably mostly muscle, so I would NOT recommend you do it long term. If you want to focus on losing BODY FAT, then I recommend the Ideal Protein Protocal where you work with an *Ideal Coach*. Today is my 70th day and I have dropped 35 pounds of FAT. The Ideal Protein Protocal preserves your muscle while keeping you in Ketosis long term in order to use your fat stores as energy. It's the easiest thing I have ever done, and I don't do more than walk about three times per week. :-)
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I guess I should say CLEANSE. The word detox is not the exact word I should have used as I'm not wanting to detox from chemicals or anything like that. I'm mainly wanting to get rid of the bloat that I have been feeling lately. I'm miserable. I have cut back on eating trigger foods and things that may bloat you. but not feeling any different. Again, I'm not doing this for weight loss at all.

    Also, I have been drinking water like crazy to help with the bloat, but in my own personal opinion, the water makes me feel worse when it comes to bloating. I hate the sloshy feeling in my stomach.

    Again, I appriciate every ones opinions. I guess you can call me stubborn. Day 1 has already made me feel much better and more motivated to chose healthier foods when I'm done. I'm definately continuing this to see how I feel when all said and done.

    It would've been far more simpler to start with "I am going to do this. Agree with me that it's a good idea because I'm just going to do it regardless."


    /End another useless thread with an OP that just wants reinforcement of her unhealthy ideas.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Seriously, OP. This whole cleanse/detox thing is ridiculous, not at all necessary or effective, and can be dangerous. This is a lovely explanation of it:
  • CupcakesAndRazorblades
    My sister did this, she passed out twice and ended up in the hospital. The IV's did really help her with the bloating though...
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I guess I should say CLEANSE. The word detox is not the exact word I should have used as I'm not wanting to detox from chemicals or anything like that. I'm mainly wanting to get rid of the bloat that I have been feeling lately. I'm miserable. I have cut back on eating trigger foods and things that may bloat you. but not feeling any different. Again, I'm not doing this for weight loss at all.

    Also, I have been drinking water like crazy to help with the bloat, but in my own personal opinion, the water makes me feel worse when it comes to bloating. I hate the sloshy feeling in my stomach.

    Again, I appriciate every ones opinions. I guess you can call me stubborn. Day 1 has already made me feel much better and more motivated to chose healthier foods when I'm done. I'm definately continuing this to see how I feel when all said and done.

    If your mind was made up already, why post about it? Apparently you don't care what people think anyway.
  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member
    I tried it about 4 years ago, it made me miserable and lightheaded...a waste of time and money.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    The process of cleansing I use is defecation. No Lie.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Does it involve a bottle brush and your colon?