

  • Las Vegas, NV reppin'!
  • I read once that when you start and stick to a new healthier lifestyle it takes 2 weeks for you to notice a difference, 2 MORE weeks for friends and family to notice a difference, and 2 MORE weeks (6 total weeks) for the rest of the world to notice. It really made me think and was motivation to stick to it for me. Good…
  • One thing that really helps me is water. When you are there, ALWAYS have a water bottle in your hand and drink like there is no tomorrow! You might have to visit the ladies room a few times, but you will be surprised at how full you feel and how fast. Good Luck!!
  • Wow, we have such similar stories! Probably a lot of women can relate to you. It is so hard to lose that baby weight. It is even harder the second time around. I think the concept we have to learn is that the best way to lose the weight after pregnancy is to not gain it to begin with. I only gained 20 pounds with my second…