Stay at home momma on a mission!!! :)

Hi all fellow MFP members :),

I like many women on here am a stay at home mom struggling to lose baby weight that I am still carrying after 17 months of having our beautiful daughter!! I like to call it post baby weight but to be truthful, I'm home all day with her and find myself standing with the fridge door open wondering what I can eat next!! ughhhh ;). I discovered Myfitnesspal a while ago but decided to go hard core with it and I have been tracking and visiting EVERY day for te last week and boy do I feel good. I joined to make a better me and also because we just found out my husband has type 2 diabetes which we need to get a grip on before it spirals out of control. Right now it's at a manageable state with medication (pills) so we are doing this together and of course aso for our little precious cargo :). With the help of MFP and our new gym membership, that I'm proud to say we've been very regiment with the last 15 days and this website, I'm hoping to accomplish my goals sooner rather than later (at a healthy pace for course). Its nice to know we are not on this journey alone!!It's truly a lifestyle change and I'm here and ready for! All the best to everyone who reads my post. WE can do this!! Feel free to add me and we can keep each other motivated!!! GOODLUCK :)


  • andorellana
    Wow, we have such similar stories! Probably a lot of women can relate to you. It is so hard to lose that baby weight. It is even harder the second time around. I think the concept we have to learn is that the best way to lose the weight after pregnancy is to not gain it to begin with. I only gained 20 pounds with my second and was doing really good to lose the extra weight after the delivery, but I got busy with work and school and when I started MFP this last monday I was the same weight as I was when I walked in to have my daughter nearly 3 years ago. YIKES! I have stuck to the plan religiously and have lost 5 pounds since Monday! Im sure I will plateau soon, but it is great motivation. Good Luck!!