

  • Awesome :) , Thanks everyone , Good to hear i can eat lots :D
  • Myfitnesspal is giving me the numbers , I just do it , I think 1300 Is perfect , As i do 30 minutes of cardio which burns around 200 calories , so really i'm eating 1500 calories and burning 200 per day. Also , i can't work out my BMI I have nothing to measure myself. ;\
  • Well I'm currently doing 30 Minutes of jogging/walking everyday , Once i get back in college it will be an hour of Walking/jogging and I'm only eating 1300 calories, Does it really matter what kind of calories I eat as long as i stay under the ammount im aiming for? And i'm sure you'd agree i'd be able to do 40lbs in 5…
  • I guess I am going over the top on the weighing. I'm just really looking forward to losing this 40 pounds I know I will lose before starting uni :P Thanks everyone though.
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