I've lost 12 lbs , But only noticed it on my face and Stomach area . I thought 12lbs would do a lot more than it has actually done. My worst problem however is my chest. Fat is barely burned from that area , Leaving me with a slimmer stomach and fatty man boobs. What can i do about this?
I do cardio for a couple or reasons. To be more healthy , And get rid of my blood circulation problems. I'm currently on a 1300 calorie diet , today I walked/Jogged for an hour which burned around 300 calories , but I eat them back because i'd just rather eat if im hungry as long as i don't go over my calories... So is it…
So here's another question(s) since you guys are so helpful and I like to know more :) What's the maximum amount of water weight loss in a week? I've lost 5 Pounds in my first week , Is this mostly water weight? Will i keep losing this much weight weekly? I'm guessing it's not safe , but i'm also assuming a lot of it is…
I'm guessing you can , but just want to double check as I'm going to university next year and I know I won't be eating AS healthy or keeping to 1300 calories as i'm doing now I'm 18 / Male / 189lbs / 5"7
So i'm dieting and only eating 1300 calories a day regardless of what I eat. I'm confused because 2 days a go I weighed 189.2 lbs the next day I weighed 188.2 lbs and today I weigh 189.4 lbs Although only by a small bit. Why is it that I'm gaining weight? I've been told not to follow the scales numbers but to rate how much…