After weight loss. Can I go back to eating 2000 Calories?

I'm guessing you can , but just want to double check as I'm going to university next year and I know I won't be eating AS healthy or keeping to 1300 calories as i'm doing now

I'm 18 / Male / 189lbs / 5"7


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I would slowly increase once your at your desired weight. For example, increase by 100 cals every 6 weeks until you are no longer losing weight.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Your maintenance calories may not be exactly 2000. I'd do what the above poster suggested and gradually increase them. But 1300 is extremely low or a man. Do you know your BMR and TDEE?
  • Ferniand
    Ferniand Posts: 9
    Your maintenance calories may not be exactly 2000. I'd do what the above poster suggested and gradually increase them. But 1300 is extremely low or a man. Do you know your BMR and TDEE?

    Myfitnesspal is giving me the numbers , I just do it , I think 1300 Is perfect , As i do 30 minutes of cardio which burns around 200 calories , so really i'm eating 1500 calories and burning 200 per day. Also , i can't work out my BMI I have nothing to measure myself. ;\
  • avatrx
    avatrx Posts: 52
    typically MFP adjusts for my exercise output as recorded on my fit bit, but for some reason it's not working today. is there a way to fix it? some days I would only earn 30-50 calories, but today - after walking 1-1/2 miles adding 3,000 steps since waking - it hasn't compensated at all.It should be showing something - but it isn't.

    I had wondered about a similar thing. I try to stay at or under 1200 per day in my attempts to lose about 25 lbs by mid summer. If I 'go off the wagon' for a day and just consume my maintenance amount of 2200, is that going to sabotage my earlier efforts?

    it shouldn't but I've had such a hard time losing weight lately, that I have religiously stuck to the low calorie count and as much exercise as I can find time and energy for.

    I'd love to have a burger and a margarita or two today, but not if it will put me in reverse. I've actually lost a couple of pounds even though I haven't recorded them yet.
  • StayLiquid
    Yes. Just stay active and go easy on the sugar and bread.