

  • Do you have a smartphone you can download apps from? If so, there is a brilliant one called BackCare which has descriptions, images and videos showing the best exercises to do (far easier than me trying to describe them!). Or if you google something like 'core strengthening exercises for back pain' - most websites show the…
  • ..I have a similar problem but I do have a bad back (had an operation for a slipped disc about a year ago). I tend to give the exercises a try but stop as soon as it starts hurting. I tend to not raise my legs as high, or go fully into the movement, which seems to help! I'm not sure is there is a way to modify the…
  • I play WoW - undead rogue (lvl 90). Don't play as much as I used to, realised I needed to get out in the real world a bit more...haha!
  • I once went out with a lad who was a good few inches shorter than me (I'm 5"11), it ended in a disaster. I'm not sure the height difference had anything to do with it, for the purpose of this post, lets pretend it did!! Looking back I think he had issue with me been taller and he hated me wearings heels (which I…
  • I'm 5"11 and wear a UK size 8. Though, my favorite clothing/show brand is Iron Fist and I have to get their shoes in a UK 9 (US size 11) - I once bought some of their heels off eBay and the seller had listed them as 'transsexual shoes' !! - that was a bit embarrassing! xx
  • ...I'm 25 and 5"11 ( my current weight is 230lbs which is the heaviest I have ever been :/ ) Feel free to add me as a friend, I'm just starting out so need all the encouragement I can get! xx
  • Hello! I think I'm starting off at pretty much the same weight you were before you started losing weight. So to hear you've lost 70lb is incredibly encouraging!! Massive congrats for that! Would be intrigued to see your before and after pictures! :) ...I'm 5"11 and currently 230lbs. I think the hardest part when you're…