

  • Wohoo to everyone! I am always walking. I will be doing the c25k! Starting tomorrow! With strength training on my opposite days! I love reading about each personals individual routines. Ill increase running when I feel its time! I cannot wait to start!!!
  • Thanks again everyone! I am going to put together my schedule and try it out and see how it all works for me:) I feel to be in reasonable shape just not cardiovascular wise! I have a fantastic music playlist but will be looking into to getting some more energizing songs:)
  • Wow! You guys all sound fantastic!! I like the idea of the C25k :) It sounds great! And if i felt like running more I could. What about in between my running doing some weights? like upper body focus? what does everyone think of that, is that okay for me?
  • Thanks everyone, I just found myself extremely bored when i did the walk/run intervals. However I am new to this and it sounds like its the smart thing to do so i will give it a try again , Where to i find out about this Couch to 5k program most are talking about?Thank you so much I do not want to be disappointed! I think…
  • I read that jogging is fantastic for tummy fat!! I am just developing my gym routine around my schedule right now, so I have yet to experience it for myself. I am just going to start running this week!
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