

  • Hell yeah, way to go dude.
  • Easiest way to do it for me is hard boil a bunch of eggs on the weekend, and the night before while i'm cooking dinner I put some oats, raisins and walnuts in a bowl with a lid that gets left on the counter. The next morning I just add water and nuke it while I'm getting my lunch packed, pop a few hard boiled eggs in my…
  • Put the following into a blender: Milk Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey powder Peanut butter frozen banana /end That's all I need for tasty deliciousness... add some cocoa powder if you want it chocolatey without callories, and with a good antioxidant punch!
  • Anything with DANGER! Mud Runs, Warrior Dashes, Run-A-Mucks's, Zombie Runs...
  • Great Falls, MD is a great day hiking spot filled with scenic views. There's an easy 3.x mile trail up there called Billy Goat that would be a blast to run that takes you over trails of rocks, sand, dirt, and through the forest. It's not too far out of town either, maybe 30 minutes from Arlington. I too am on the search…
  • For those interested... http://www.warriordash.com/register2012_maryland.php It's the weekend of May 19 & 20, races on both days! Good luck to all warriors - SEE YOU THERE!
  • Don't be afraid to lift weights! Some women think that just because they step into the weight room they are going to leave looking like a bodybuilder. Lifting weights adds muscles, muscles are what tone you up. Eating a high protein diet filled with HEALTHY carbs ( think brown rice and sweet potatoes not potato chips and…
  • Post workout nutrition is right up there with breakfast, a meal not to be missed! Get in a good dose of protein and carbs to get your body the fuel needed to repair those sore muscles. I usually do a whey/peanut butter/banana/oatmeal shake with milk and walnuts, some other good options are eggs, meat, brown rice... Just as…
  • No such thing as too much protein, until you get into the 300G+ range! As for Jiggle75, check out this link for easy, cheap, and tasty ways to incorporate more protein into your diet. http://stronglifts.com/build-muscle-on-a-budget-the-10-cheapest-sources-of-protein/
  • Lots of good tips so far, here's one more for the pile: Drink water! A few glasses prior to dinner and your brain will automatically know that after a few butter-laden bites it will be time to stop. And if those recipes are good remember to share them with some of your hungry MFP friends!
  • Eggplant on off the grill is delicious, so are yellow squash and (if you can do them without burning) asparagus! As for grilled protein, I'm all about marinated flank steak.
  • Welcome to the party!
  • Bdavis1: Your question about protein is a good one. It's vital to the repair and building of muscle in the body, which after exercise we all need! I don;t know your exact stats (height and weight) but a good approximation of your baseline need for protein can be found here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/caltp.htm Enter…
  • Welcome! I think you'll find tracking what goes into your body makes the battle a bit easier. Stick with it and soon you'll arrive at your goal.
  • As long as your not dumping salt on everything you eat, as you mentioned you aren't doing. Stay on that water girl, you'll be fine! Keep hydrated and your body will be able to deal with it, it'll help you work up a good sweat on your next workout too.
  • Some people believe a calorie is a calorie no matter what. Meaning calories from doughnuts are the same as from apples. I don't subscribe to that notion one bit! A healthy calorie (like those found in nuts and dried fruit) is better for you than a calorie from a big-mac! As long as your burning that energy you'll be good.…