llbonn Member


  • Homemade spaghetti sauce with chicken breast that I grind with my attachment for my Kitchen Aid instead of hamburger, bell peppers, tomatoes and spices served over a big bowl of steamed cauliflower instead of pasta! A tiny sprinkle of Romano and a big green salad with a splash of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. YUM!
  • This reminded me of a saying I once heard, "I may be fat, but your ugly (inside for sure) and I can diet." Don't let it get you down. I always tell myself "Whatever someone else thinks of me is none of my business."
  • I'm a little late to the party here and Friday night blues have come and hopefully gone. Whatever happened yesterday and whatever choices you made are gone. New day...... new start. Time for a do over. If you blew it fine. Let it go. Move on. Don't let one bad day turn in to two and so on. Get up and get moving!!! Your…
  • I have the very same problem and eat an identical diet! When adding 60 minutes of cardio and burning 600 calories I find it impossible to get to 1200 calories a day. When exercising I lose my appetite. I also drink at least 12 8 oz glasses a water a day and always have because I love water. I think all the fiber from…
  • I love mashed cauliflower but I had to practice a few time to get it right. This is what I came up with, hope you like it. 1) Cut the top off a head of garlic, wrap it in tin foil and roast in the oven for about 40-45 minutes at 350 degrees. Then cool slightly, it has a very mild flavor when baked and is very tasty. 2)…
  • Also, be prepared for jealousy. Sometimes when others do something really well it seems as though they are saying that we can't do what they can. We are somehow less than they are. The negative talk directed at you is not about you. It is how they see themselves. It's sad and hurtful I know, but let them own their…
  • I lost 36 lbs 3 years ago simply using a food diary and making certain I got a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day at least 6 days a week.I have never cut ANY food or food groups out of my life, just made better choices about them. I still diary my food because it gives me a feeling of control and shows me measurable…
  • Good for you!!! I love the fact that you are treating yourself and still being middful. You gave one of the hardest jobs in the world. Thank you for being a teacher.
  • I am a 41 y/o mother of 3 boys. 22, 20 & 12. 1 college graduate, 1 pretty close and 1 that swears the dog ate his homework yesterday although we don't even have a dog! My 20 year old son joined the local gym with me and he is my accountability-buddy. When I am not motivated he makes sure that I go. While being supportive…
  • Below are some of my favorites for adding protein. I hope this helps! Fat free cottage cheese: Calories 81 Carbs 7.6g Dietary Fiber 0g Protein 11.7g Smart dog soy hot dogs. Calories 45 Carbs 2g Dietary Fiber 1g Protein 8g Textured Vegetable Protein added to soups, broths chilies etc. per 1/4 cup (reconstituted is over a…