Don't understand this at all

I have a friend who was talking to me about my weight loss, and what I eat etc and how it works on here. We were with another friend and they have both done Slimming World in the past. One of them is not very overweight and never has been the other one is overweight, I would guess well in excess of 200lb and yet she was telling me how well Slimming World works....UMMMM

No it doesn't work or you would be thin surely? It might have helped you lose weight in the past, but it has not helped you keep it off.

They both told me that the MFP calorie and exercise thing was no good, as when I was saying about how i used to eat a lot of fruit like red grapes and wondered why I didn't lose weight even though I was being good until I realised a bunch of red grapes has as many calories as a chocolate bar and watch even the 'healthy' foods now too, they both pounced on me and said well in Slimming World you can eat as much fruit as you like, it's free. And as much bread and pasta and potatoes too. So what I want to know is this - How does that make sense? I mean I also remember when the heavier one was going to Slimming World she would not eat ALL day before being weighed and then be so hungry she ate badly in the evening, she was paying to lie to herself surely?

She DID lose weight, about 28lbs she said, but has clearly put it back and some (although I did not say that to her) So what I want to know is what is the point in Weight Watchers and Slimming World? If you pay to lie to yourself and as soon as you don't go any more you put the weight back on?


  • LosingTheInches
    I completely agree, its all about calories, you can eat tons of fruit and gain weight. Weight watchers however, has a points system too. My family uses the point system and i have noticed alot of weight loss, because thats basically counting calories. But i agree with the fact that it doesnt make sense to eat TONS of healthy food and lose weight, it just doesnt work like that.
  • flinchyny
    flinchyny Posts: 106 Member
    Yep, weight loss is all about calories consumed vs. calories burned.

    Don't let them get you down!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Because by cuttng out certain foods from your diet, you will lose weight, because you have less calories to choose from- eventually you get sick of bread and pasta (they proly can't have them with cheese or butter or anything, which is how most people get in trouble- grain + dairy = racks up the cals). But then you are off of the "program" and all the cals are avaiable and all that weight comes back on.

    The next time they try to push you to whatever program just be like "It's really great that that is working for you, but I'm really feeling what I'm doing now. If I get stuck or feel like mine isn't helping, I'll def check ___ out."
  • pleal
    pleal Posts: 6
    This is a good question. It is the same with any plan for which you pay. It is in the company's best interest that you do gain the weight back. That is how they make more money from you. I think they do try to teach you a healthy lifestyle (at least from my experience with WW). And it you take it to heart and really try to learn and make the teachings your lifestyle, you can make long lasting changes. I don't like the peer pressure of being wieghed in front of everyone though. I think personally, I need to do it on my own and this site (MFP) is really helping. I think the main thing is tracking what you eat and being cognizant of what is going in your mouth. Even if you are over the calorie amount for one day - be aware of that and try to make up for it the next day. I am rambling, but your post was thought provoking. In the end though, it is not the program you use, but YOU. You have to make the effort to not "lie to yourself" if you are really serious about losing and keeping it off.
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    They are there to make money, and are the "easy" option to a lot of people, calorie counting and exercise takes more effort and will power as there are no point systems, set meals, magic shakes, it is down to you to decide what you put in front on you. It took me a long time to realise that so I would just give your friends time, when they see your results and the fact you have kept it off and now live a healthy lifestyle, compared to there yo yo'ing they will realise that this is the only way to lose weight and keep it off for good.....and guess what!! ITS FREE :wink: lol

    Makes me laugh though, nothing is FREE calorie wise (there may be 1 or 2 exceptions to the rule), everything has a value so the only people they are fooling are themselves.

    You have lost 49lbs through will power, hard work and perseverance so well done and keep it up!

  • keta6atl
    simple....calories in....vs calories burned.....sounds like they are just misinformed...or haven't done their research!
    of course the macros (protein, fat, carbs) matter ...but if you are looking at simply losing weight....calories..
  • adrienne4791
    I agree with this. I did the Jillian Michaels website and that was great. I just didn't want to pay anymore but she said same thing...calorie burns, calories consumed. And it has worked for me :)
  • johnnya2
    This is pretty basic to understand for most people. Think of your body like a car. It needs fuel to run. Just idling the car burns fuel. Not as much as when you drive (exercise), but it still requires some fuel. If you put 93 octane (healthier foods) or 87 octane (unhealthier foods), you still need the CALORIES to run. Now if you use higher octane, the car will run better. Grapes will help improve other parts of your engine, but if you put in too much, it just becomes added weight.
    The problem that too many people have is this desire to "eat as much as they want" of food. How about eating for its intended purpose. As fuel for the body. Yes some times food can be eaten as a social event at restaurants, or for pure pleasure, but for the vast majority of meals it is to provide you with fuel.
    Bottom line calories burned needs to be higher than calories in to lose weight.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    A friend of my sister's swears by removing all carbs from her diet. In 6 months, she packed on 40 pounds when she broke her no carb rule. I gained about 6 pounds in the same 6 months. I was stress eating and not counting calories over that time period, but I did keep on exercising. I'm addicted to it now. I'm not proud of my weight gain but after a small amount of time, I only have about 2 pounds to go to get back to where I was this summer. The fact is that MFP works. It helps your metabolism to work better. Yes we can gain our weight back when we stop doing what we should, but it's free and we can go back to it at any time. It will still work for us if we choose to let it. Our well-meaning friends will sometimes give us diet advice that makes no sense. We have to ignore the bad advice and do what works. My Zumba instructor swears by one rule. "Decrease caloric intake and increase exercise." That's all you need to know when it comes to losing weight. MFP understands this concept.
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    Ok -- you've lost nearly 50 pounds and they're telling you that what you're doing doesn't work?!

    Bizarre...keep it up! =)
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    They are there to make money, and they do it by preying on people's insecurities, which is pretty crappy in my book. The only thing I'd say to anyone who wants to lose weight or improve their fitness, is to find out what works for YOU, and stick to it.

    A note on bread. I love it! I love toast, I love sandwiches, etc. and it is often the single biggest calorie count on my calculator.

    "Back on the exercise bike heathen bread devourer"
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    no diet works for long term results. the only way one is going to lose weight and keep it off is learn how to eat healthy in a way that one can mantain the rest of ones life. pay attention to what a serving is. i went and got some new measuring spoons and cup set. it is easier to measure 1/4 cup in a cup that only holds 1/4. soon i want to invest in a digetal food scale, cause i still guess on my meats. also remember you can have anything to eat with moderation. know i wouldnt suggest eating ice cream and pizza daily, just dont deny yourself the foods you love, on occasion. best of luck.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    LOL I know it makes sense to me and to all of you, but we have seen the light.

    I just wonder why my friends who can see a lot less of me can't see that what I am doing works? Is it just denial?
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I think everyone knows what they need to do. They're just looking for a quick fix to their weight problems. If they lose 10 pounds in a week, they're happy with that and claim it works. They ignore the fact that they gain every bit of that back plus some as soon as they stop.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Who cares what they think. They are paying for it and will keep paying for it by wasting their money on something that only works for a short period of time. Their bodies are letting them know.

    You are doing it the right way and the best way. Exercise lets you eat more and ups your metabolism even during rest. And logging foods help you see the nutrients going into your body - which is as important as the type of foods going into your body). Its those carbs (added sugars, white breads, white pasta, white rice, white potatoes, etc) that screw up your bloodsugar and cause diabetes along with weight gain.

    If they want to give control of what they eat over to someone else that's their decision - you can't diet the rest of your life. You're making a lifestyle change - TAKING CONTROL of what you eat and what you do with your body. That's something you CAN do for the rest of your life. And have a better quality of life and live longer.

    People like that live their life with blinders on and only see what they want to see. I have a friend who is morbid obese. We went to lunch and I was talking about MFP and how it is helping me learn portions and eat healther. She told me that she is doing better. She can push her plate away with food on it. BUT - she didn't factor in the 2 big glasses of ginger ale, the 20oz bottle that she bought on the way home AND the Peanut Butter Milky Way she had at home. It's funny, isn't it?
  • neebelung
    neebelung Posts: 115
    I think everyone knows what they need to do. They're just looking for a quick fix to their weight problems. If they lose 10 pounds in a week, they're happy with that and claim it works. They ignore the fact that they gain every bit of that back plus some as soon as they stop.

    SO true.

    Health is a lifestyle; prepackaged diets are merely a regimen.
  • Shamrock40
    They are there to make money, and they do it by preying on people's insecurities, which is pretty crappy in my book. The only thing I'd say to anyone who wants to lose weight or improve their fitness, is to find out what works for YOU, and stick to it.

    A note on bread. I love it! I love toast, I love sandwiches, etc. and it is often the single biggest calorie count on my calculator.

    "Back on the exercise bike heathen bread devourer"

    I'm with you, I could never be on the Atkins diet because I love carbs. I knew a bunch of people who were on Atkins diet at my old job, They would come in with bags of Pork Rinds or Bak-Os or whatever they're called (this is a fried pork skin for those not in the know.) FRIED PORK SKIN! "But they have no carbs ..." Really?? Have you considered that you're putting FRIED PORK SKIN in your mouth when you want to lose weight? It's common sense. I'm not saying I haven't eaten some of those in my day, but I wouldn't do it and say, "Gee, I wonder why I'm not losing weight."
  • llbonn
    llbonn Posts: 12 Member
    I lost 36 lbs 3 years ago simply using a food diary and making certain I got a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day at least 6 days a week.I have never cut ANY food or food groups out of my life, just made better choices about them. I still diary my food because it gives me a feeling of control and shows me measurable results. After 3 years of maintenance I have decided that I would like to lose 5-10 more lbs to be at my high school weight, I'm 41 so I may have to adjust those goals depending on what my body tells me it is willing to cooperate with and what is okay for me. Remember a DIET is something temporary. Most people begin and end a diet, they get to their goal weight and then at some point they have to get to it again and again and eventually their body will not cooperate any more. What you want to make is a LIFESTYLE change which is a lifetime commitment to your own success.

    My advise about the self proclaimed diet guru's: "Thanks for your concern. I'm going to be doing something different than either of you because my body is different and I learn things differently. Let's each do our own "diet" our own way and in 6 months or so we'll see how we've each done and compare, like our own mini health study."
    Good luck to you. You can do this.
  • llbonn
    llbonn Posts: 12 Member
    Also, be prepared for jealousy. Sometimes when others do something really well it seems as though they are saying that we can't do what they can. We are somehow less than they are. The negative talk directed at you is not about you. It is how they see themselves. It's sad and hurtful I know, but let them own their feelings. You are beautiful, committed and successful.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    IMHO the biggest problem with most diets and weightloss programs is that people don't change their habits. They reduce calories for a while lose weight and then for some god forsaken reason go right back to doing what they did BEFORE the diet.

    I've been here for a while and before I found MFP I had tried fad diets, magic pills, crazy meal/exercise plans and yeah I lost weight but just like your friend I always gained it back plus some. This time- I've changed my life. This is what I'm going to do FOREVER because it WORKS. Yes, I will eventually increase my calories to a maintenance level but I'm still going to count them and make healthy choices and exercise every day because if I don't... well, I found out the hard way what happens.

    If they can't see that this is what works as a long term solution eff 'em. When you hang out talk about anything BUT weight loss. When you get to your goal and they see that you've done better than they ever did with their crazy meal plans and they ask you how you did it, give them the website. :drinker:

    Congrats on your loss and stick with it- this place rocks.