PudgyFellow123 Member


  • 79lbs since 2012! 357.6 lbs group total!
  • Hey guys, I made this meal for dinner. Macros are good if you want to lose weight. - 250g of salmon with skin. Seasoned with salt, garlic powder, paprika and olive oil. Light sriracha over the top - 1/4 cup cooked brown rice - 1/2 bag of blanch baby spinach. Dressed with sesame seed oil, light soy sauce and fried shellots.…
  • Good going staying on target. Sure is hard to stick to something for a long period regardless On diet type. For me, the hardest part is seeing the results and feel like I earned a reward. That's always a bad idea, though. I just came out of surgery for gallbladder removal 6 weeks ago and am back at the gym, finally! It's…
  • Just an update. Tomorrow will be a week after my surgery and it's been manageable. What I mean is, the pain can be terrible, andreaboby, weren't kidding about the air in my body. It's not something you can just burp or fart out either. Just sorter rolls around in there. Some say they get shoulder pain as the air hits the…
  • Didn't know you could get blisters there. Blister pads is all I can think off, though you might want to consider better shoes.
  • Hi Kirra! Don't stress! Got to start somewhere! I'm 173cm and started at 106.4kgs. I'm down to 75kgs after 3-4 years. My goal is to be ripped by 40 and that's not far away! During that time, I've gone through a knee surgery, numerous gym type injuries from rotator cuff issues to groin pull and now I'm messaging you from a…
  • To follow up on this, I'm a bit of a Steve Cook fan boy. https://youtu.be/V0ENsP5BPpo And this guide helped me lose most of my weight http://www.simplyshredded.com/layne-norton-the-most-effective-cutting-diet.html Hope it helps
  • No shortcuts around this, I'm afraid. What you need to eat to change yourself will be different to someone else. However, typical "lifter" food would be salmon, brown rice, broccoli, sweet potatoes, chicken breast. Once again depending on your macro requirements, the portions and food combinations will differ.
  • Thank you, Andrea :)
  • Thanks but I am sitting up in bed, will head to the hospital in 6 hours time for a 9am procedure (after all the admin is done). I've just ordered the super enzymes like you suggested off Iherb. Here's hoping for the best!
  • Weakness, everything. Once I start, I can't stop. How I fight it. I'll have my regular meal if it's close to meal time. Have a protein shake if meal time is a while away, have a glass of water. If I feel like a late snack, I have a tablespoon of peanut butter. I would include the spoonful of peanut butter into my macros.
  • Thanks Andrea. So what happens when you eat fatty foods? Did it eventually come better? I take it the pain besides the abdominal cavity, was because of the keyhole incisions? It's happening first thing tomorrow morning. Do you remember the type of meds you took? I'm allergic to tramadol
  • Good on you! It may seem superficial to some people but you're looking at yourself in the mirror end of the day and it's what you're happy with. After losing around 68lbs, I've a bit of flap on my belly. The weight training has helped and I'm going to give it a couple of years and applying bio oil to see if it helps. My…
  • Yup, my vote for weight training. Increasing your metabolism will help the burn :)
  • way to go!! love the "ripped AF" look. suits you!
  • Falling off the bandwagon? Been there, lots and lots of times myself. Totally know the feeling. For me, it seems to hit after losing every 12-15lbs or so. Important part is to get back on the wagon ASAP and get back on what you are doing. Don't try to compensate for the binge but just carry on from where you left off and…
  • My motivation yo-yos all the time. My main motivators is being able to play with my young son, not die from heart disease. But my motivation to go to the gym on a daily basis, that's always been a struggle. Sometimes I need to find the right song, watch a motivational video on youtube or just look myself in the mirror and…
  • Hi Folks, hope all is well! No matter what opinion anyone puts out there, someone is going to poo poo all over it. However I don't think any one person is wrong about their ideals when it comes to dieting but that we're all different and out bodies process what we eat differently. Having said that, here is MY opinion :) My…
  • Proteinpow.com, my life line when I'm feeling a bit bored of my routine
  • Add me please. Current friendship status = 0
  • how many grams of protein do you take? I tend to have the farts if I down 2 scoops of protein shake in under 5 seconds. However, it's eased off since I started to spread out my shakes throughout the day (say 1 shake for breakfast and another mid morning) and drink them slowly. Else you could have a intolerance to dairy?…
  • Yes! Finally a community that could do "MapMyWalk" with me!!!
  • Hey folks. Name is Chris Lai and I was 235lbs about 5 years ago. I am 5'8" and have since lost a total of 70lbs. Been on the heavy side for most of my life. Long story short, mid life crisis kicked in and didn't like what I saw in the mirror. Really had no idea how I was going to lose weight so I thought, bodybuilders look…
  • I got this info from another forum, so can't verify. Summary: Muscle density is 1.06 g/ml and fat density is (about) 0.9 g/ml. Thus, one liter of muscle would weight 1.06 kg and one liter of fat would weight 0.9 kg. In other words, muscle is about 18% denses than fat. If it's true, that's quite significant.
  • yup, i meant to say, muscle is more dense than fat :) A better measure is to use fat calipers to measure your body fat percentage, and a measuring tape to make sure you're going the right direction, IMHO.
  • if you have an hour and a 1/2 to listen to Dr Lustig's lecture. I think it's worth while. He's been around the anti sugar train for a long time now. Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not bashing anything. I personally try not to take HFCS and it's not all that common in New Zealand so I guess we're lucky. It's mainly in food…
  • from what I understand, it's a weekly count. So yes, if you go over on some days, you can make up for it within that week. I personally wouldn't try to have a off day on purpose but you're only human.
  • real food protein sources above all else, for sure. But it's a supplement for a reason :) I tried the cookies and cream, flavour and found out it had HFCS in it. I'm very anti high fructose corn syrup, so I stay away from certain flavours. Double chocolate for me.
  • you do realise muscle is heavier than fat, right? if you're toning and starting to see definition, I'd say your muscle mass is improving. Don't worry about the scales.