deannac11 Member


  • Go for the Fitbit! They have amazing customer service. Have replaced my fit bitty whenever I have ever had problems. Well worth the investment. Love the pic Cheryl! Way to go!
  • Well weighed in this morning and was surprised! SW: 206.2 TW: 204.2 Eating still not on track but better. Decreasing sugar slowly....I apparently am addicted. My father in law is here and our company left this morning, only worked out once this week... Need to focus on getting the workouts in! Nice to see you Kelly!
  • Helllooooo my friends :). It's been awhile. Someone came and prodded me to get back in gear, which is a good thing. I slacked the last month and and a half and in doing so gained quite a bit. Starting weight (beginning of February) 199.2 Today's weight: 206.2 OUCH! Ok I am back need to step it up and move more. Father in…
  • Helllloooooo my friends! It's been awhile! So glad to see everybody here. Took me awhile to figure out to get onto the community because I couldn't from my phone. On the iPad, it was a snap. Anyhow, most of you will remember me from the old site, though I hadn't been active very much. I started crossfit in August, and I am…