jaysvw Member


  • Are you a professional bodybuilder? That's who that stuff was designed for. People who need to get "cut" before a competition. Not someone trying to lose weight the lazy way. I'm not trying to be mean, but you have no business taking that stuff.
  • Exactly. That article is the biggest bunch of crap I have ever read. It just gets thrown around as justification for people who think eating 1000 calories a day or less is a great way to loose weight. I think the Geneva Convention demands more than that as a minimum for POWs and people on here are acting like it's a diet…
  • Working out 7 days a week isn't a very good idea. Your body needs rest as much or more than it needs exercise.
  • One thing though, do not use MFP's exercise calorie numbers! They are way off! I did 45min on a stair climber and MFP says 600+ calories burned. Yea, maybe if I was 700lbs. My suggestion would be to use the numbers off the machines that at least ask for your weight and and log 3/4 of the number it gives you when you are…
  • Great thread Celo! Eating back exercise calories is essential.
  • Then they are doing something very wrong because there isn't enough calories or sugar in either of those things to stifle weight loss on their own. I eat 2 cups of grapes a day, plus an apple and maybe another cup of blueberries or other assorted fruit. I'm still loosing weight because I can stay within my allowance of…
  • This. A thousand times this. I eat between 50% and 75% of my exercise cals back. You absolutely need to if you want to preserve and build lean muscle mass. This is especially important for men who are lifting weights. Your protein intake needs to be high, meaning if you are doing it right, you are always going to eat…
  • I ate a whole box of Thin Mints. I allowed myself 4 a day and worked it into my calorie count.
  • Nothing wrong with going over on sugar as long as it's coming from natural sources like fruit.
  • If you are trying to bulk up you should ideally consume no less than 1 gram of protein per pound of target weight. Most bodybuilders will tell you though that 1.5 grams is the best for muscle gain. If you are trying to build muscle AND lose fat you will need to monitor your calorie intake carefully.