stutzmanmba Member


  • way...Those are horrible. far is comparision unless you do not want to spend money. In which case, I would invest in running shoes.
  • I love 'gymgoal'...I don't have the paid version...not sure if they offer the free one. It's more for weight training though. All my cardio..I use this program.
  • Great job and choice to change your life. Keep it up!
  • My family ate sort of crappy too. I believe almost anything is fine in moderation. I would not recommend going extreme..(organic vegetarian) just b/c you already just have a big enough battle getting to normal. Why not get a paper route or something so you can go out and buy a bag apples or a box of protein bars / vitamins…
  • I would throw on a workout belt just to keep everything in one place, meanwhile give it some time and see if it gets better. Can you do crunches without pain? Does it hurt if you do not move at all? Could it be a hernia? Do stretch marks appear at the site of pain? I guess if it isn't a hernia (not enough information to…
  • I have added a half inch to people's arms after 1 workout. It depends on intensity and your diet for the most part. Genetics, I guess, plays a role as well. You won't get that big unless you add some chemistry to your diet. So I guess it depends on what you are looking to attain. Squats and pushups are fantastic for the…
  • I log daily regardless even if I splurge. The only time I don't is when I go somewhere where I can't log in real time and eat a ton of different foods....for example a Christmas feast. I just have something saved 'elephant' to say I ate an elephant. (a lot of food and the damage is done so I don't care about details at…
  • I do 10-12 week cycles...(Which could be 10-12 pounds for me)..I do reward myself but not with food. ;)