Do you take your inhaler before you run? If not, try that. I just have to be more vigilant at this time of year about taking my brown inhalers morning and night. TBH, I haven't been too bad yet.
Made these last night and they were AMAZING!! My kids loved them too. I added some minced garlic to mine. x
bump - thanks!
I've got Jamie's 15 mins meal book - must get it out for a look. These sound nice.
Sounds delicious!
How did everyone get on for the first week of June? I had a successful first week of exercise: Tuesday 4th: 39minutes on the Kinect Wednesday 5th: exercise DVD (Davina's power of 3) for 40 minutes Friday 7th: 30 minute run Saturday 8th: 10 minutes swim Sunday 9th: 50 min cycle - 16km (it was glorious!)
Could you take out the brown sugar and maybe use agave nectar instead? My current favourite breakfast is rolled oats mixed with fat free greek yogurt, some fruit and a teaspoonful of agave nectar. Yummy!!
Made this tonight and it is delicious! My 4 year old and 15 month old loved them too. Thanks again x
How are you all getting on? I did 39minutes on the Kinect on Tuesday night then an exercise DVD (Davina's power of 3) for 40 minutes on Wednesday and a 30 minute run last night. I swam for 10 minutes today and I'll either run tonight or tomorrow again.
Sounds good. Thanks!
Did you freeze the dough or the baked flatbreads? I'm going to make these this weekend with a spicy chicken recipe I've also just seen. Thanks!
Can I join in as well please? I need some motivation to get my butt moving! My plan is to do some cardio on the Kinect tonight.
You poor thing. I'm glad you are seeing a counsellor and hopefully he/she can help you get to the bottom of why you are feeling like you do and how you can address it. How old is your little one? I'm just wondering whether anyone has looked at whether you might have PND. I hope you don't think I'm out of line but it can…
What a great list! Thanks!
Love this thread! xx
I don't agree at all that the majority of men would go away and cheat on a long term partner. If he says he's not going to do anything then you have to trust him. Monogamy and staying faithful is a choice you make, trust him to make the right choice. Just because half naked girls throw themselves at him and he is tempted…
Yum! Can I have the recipe for the gnocchi please?
Wow! Wow! And wow! You all look fantastic. First weigh in for me tomorrow. You are all such an inspiration!
1 May 2.5km walk 3.5km run
I had one appointment with a personal trainer to set up a programme when I fell pregnant with my first child. She told me that you can pretty much keep doing what you were doing already but don't take up anything new. If you were a regular runner before falling pregnant then most people can keep going. Obviously listen to…
Can I join in please? Mine will be a combo of walking, running and cycling so I'm going for 90 miles in a month. How does everyone track the number of miles done btw? I use Endomondo if I go out for a run - suppose that would work for walking too.
Me please!