Nathan2374 Member


  • The difference between try and triumph... its alittle umph!
  • today i was at the gym about 8:50am and left at 1:15pm i also did about 20 mins of boxing "hitting mitts"
  • As soon as i get to the gym i get on the elliptical for about 30 mins and it says i burned 500 cals then i get on the treadmill and walk 3.7mph at a 15 incline for 22 mins and it says i burned 500 cals then i do my weight training usually i pick two body parts and do 4 exercises each body part 3 sets of 12 then after that…
  • I am not fixing anyone...He works alot and told me to put his stuff in..He is not use to this site or use to using the forums..He signed up on MFP on his own. I told him today that I was going to get him friends b/c I don't understand all the "guy" stuff to do with supplements, lifting and so on...We are doing this…