My husband is new :)

Hey everyone my husband is now a member of MFP..and has not done anything to get any friends. ANd having friends and support of here is what helps you along the journey. If anyone would like to be his friend his nickname is Nathan2374, he is big into lifting weights, starting boxing and is training for a tough man contest in our area. Please add him and help him along the way...Thanks his wife...Amanda :)


  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Mandy? Does he know about us?
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Mine signed up too, but I just can't imagine he'll put the time in to participate in forums. He doesn't even go on facebook often. I was contemplating whether I should give out his username too...hmm
  • sarahnicolexoxo
    My fiance (whose name is Nathan as well) would never use this site. He never logs into Facebook. He's just not a social network person lol
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Awesome! My husband just joined also.
  • IndyRick
    IndyRick Posts: 172
    Trust me, ladies....don't do this. If your husband wants to join and be active, let him. If he doesn't, don't. Period. You can't fix someone else. Simply work YOUR program, set a good example, and let the chips fall where they may.

    Otherwise, you risk putting a VERY big rift in your relationship. Trust the voice of experience on this. :)
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Indyrick has good advice. You can't every fix any one else, only yourself.
  • nonoark
    nonoark Posts: 153 Member
    IndyRick is very much on target with this. Out of the 3 male friends that I personally know (and have for some time) only 1 has followed and really worked the program (for less of a better word). He has really wanted it. All I did was tell him and assist him a little. The other 2 only come and go as they feel the need too. It is hard for them and the people that befriend them. It is hard to encourage someone who is not sure they want to be here.
    I wish your husband well. My advice is to give him guidance and see what he does with it. This will also teach you a lot about how much HE wants it.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I'm with Rick. If Nathan wants to come in here and chat us up. We'll welcome him.

    However, If my wife signed me up for a website and invited people to contact me there would definatly be a discussion.
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    Agreed, while wanting your husband to be social on here, and get as much support as you do, HE needs to be the one seeking guidance. I know my boyfriend is supporting me along the way, and his workouts have dropped to bare minimum, but that is fine, he isnt much of a social networking person either, and he will do it in his own time! I say as long as you have the support you need from him ( at home, not on the computer) let the chips fall, they will go where should! Good luck :)
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    Mine is OLD :-(
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    Trust me, ladies....don't do this. If your husband wants to join and be active, let him. If he doesn't, don't. Period. You can't fix someone else. Simply work YOUR program, set a good example, and let the chips fall where they may.

    Otherwise, you risk putting a VERY big rift in your relationship. Trust the voice of experience on this. :)

    So VERY true!!!
  • IndyRick
    IndyRick Posts: 172
    Mine is OLD :-(

    Now, THAT was FUNNY! Well played!
  • Nathan2374
    Nathan2374 Posts: 5 Member
    Trust me, ladies....don't do this. If your husband wants to join and be active, let him. If he doesn't, don't. Period. You can't fix someone else. Simply work YOUR program, set a good example, and let the chips fall where they may.

    Otherwise, you risk putting a VERY big rift in your relationship. Trust the voice of experience on this. :)

    I am not fixing anyone...He works alot and told me to put his stuff in..He is not use to this site or use to using the forums..He signed up on MFP on his own. I told him today that I was going to get him friends b/c I don't understand all the "guy" stuff to do with supplements, lifting and so on...We are doing this together...So no rift in the relationship, just helping him out on here. But thanks for the concern.
    Sorry this is his wife..I didn't realize he was still logged in.
  • IndyRick
    IndyRick Posts: 172
    I stand by my original statement, and apologize if you were offended by it.

    That said, if making healthy lifestyle friends is important to him, he'll make the effort to do it. If it's not, he won't. Simple as that! Best of luck to both of you in your journey!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I'm with Rick. If Nathan wants to come in here and chat us up. We'll welcome him.

    However, If my wife signed me up for a website and invited people to contact me there would definatly be a discussion.

    A discussion huh? Yeah, well we'll see about that when you get home tonight!:angry: Oh wait, I have to work the ball game, so I guess when *I* get home tonight!:grumble:


    Amanda, this poster (iplayoutside19) is my husband, and we do it together. We've made it a family activity, and even get our kids in on picking healthy foods. (Our 3 yo son can even identify which foods have sugar in them, and knows that he can only have them once in awhile.) If he asked you to find a few friends for him because he doesn't get to a computer as often as you, go for it! There are plenty of threads here for him to check out. Have him search for "guys" or "men" within the forums and that'll bring up quite a few. (The search feature is found right above the top post with the "Home" "Recent Posts" "My Topics" and "Signature.")

  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Trust me, ladies....don't do this. If your husband wants to join and be active, let him. If he doesn't, don't. Period. You can't fix someone else. Simply work YOUR program, set a good example, and let the chips fall where they may.

    Otherwise, you risk putting a VERY big rift in your relationship. Trust the voice of experience on this. :)

    I am not fixing anyone...He works alot and told me to put his stuff in..He is not use to this site or use to using the forums..He signed up on MFP on his own. I told him today that I was going to get him friends b/c I don't understand all the "guy" stuff to do with supplements, lifting and so on...We are doing this together...So no rift in the relationship, just helping him out on here. But thanks for the concern.
    Sorry this is his wife..I didn't realize he was still logged in.

    Yea, I didn't get that impression from your OP either. Same here. The Hubs signed up on his own. I haven't even mentioned to him that he hasn't used it much. I was just wondering if I should pass his info on to those people he practically knows at this point because he hears me talk about them so much. Nothing is being 'forced' on anybody.
  • MandeeSue
    Mandy? Does he know about us?
    Yes he signed up a few weeks ago. Just he was on today and then had to go to work, so I told him I would get him friends and he said "ok" lol.
  • MandeeSue
    I'm with Rick. If Nathan wants to come in here and chat us up. We'll welcome him.

    However, If my wife signed me up for a website and invited people to contact me there would definatly be a discussion.

    A discussion huh? Yeah, well we'll see about that when you get home tonight!:angry: Oh wait, I have to work the ball game, so I guess when *I* get home tonight!:grumble:


    Amanda, this poster (iplayoutside19) is my husband, and we do it together. We've made it a family activity, and even get our kids in on picking healthy foods. (Our 3 yo son can even identify which foods have sugar in them, and knows that he can only have them once in awhile.) If he asked you to find a few friends for him because he doesn't get to a computer as often as you, go for it! There are plenty of threads here for him to check out. Have him search for "guys" or "men" within the forums and that'll bring up quite a few. (The search feature is found right above the top post with the "Home" "Recent Posts" "My Topics" and "Signature.")


    Well like I said, I didn't do this without his knowledge. He knew I was doing this and didn't care. He gets on facebook all the time so he does do social networking. But he just didn't know how to go about getting friends on here, so I told him I would get him No harm in that. He can choose to accept them or not. And we are trying to make this a family thing. Our son is 1 so we want to start now with eating better so he grows up with that..Cause it is SO hard to break bad habbits. Thanks
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    See, She's so mad she's not coming home. :bigsmile:
  • MandeeSue
    See, She's so mad she's not coming home. :bigsmile:

    lol...what ? :)
    Nevermind...I see it now sorry I must have overlooked your wife's You done it now :)