

  • I was like that doing level 2 of the 30 day shred and then all of the sudden in level 3 I was like WOW I can see change FINALLY! So I am sure the same will happen for you!
  • I'm 5'4" too, I hope I can get to a size 2 also! :) You're an inspiration!
  • That's what I was thinking too! Thank you for reassuring me! :flowerforyou:
  • WOW! You're progress is amazing! That is so neat that you were able to fit in sizes that you never thought you would be able to. I can relate to feeling that way because I am pear shaped and I seem to lose all my weight in the upper body but I'm beginning to think my thighs/butt will never get smaller. You have encouraged…
  • Personally, I can see your progress. Don't get too discouraged, our minds are so powerful that we can convince ourselves that we don't look any different when we actually have changed. I would take another photo in two more weeks and if you are still not getting results you want, then try another workout. But really, I can…
  • But I think it has a lot to do with body shape too. I am a pear shape so my pant size probably differs than someone who was shaped different.
  • I am 5'4" and 151 lbs. I currently wear a size 10 (sometimes an 8 if I'm lucky :wink: )
  • Whierd, Ya, I'll keep that in mind. Sometimes when you are chatting online, it is totally hard to distinguish blunt from rude!
  • Laybabe, I think it will totally help you :) I usually do an intense workout and then yoga because I feel like I deserve relaxing, calm exercise after I work my butt off :laugh:
  • whierd, Thanks for the advice! :) I kind of ran into that with livestrong and that's why I switched. Not that anyone really offended me personally, but people got downright rude with other people and I don't like that. Hopefully there's more constructive advice on here rather than just rude comments. So far, everyone I…
  • Laybabe, I totally know what you mean! What helped me is that my gym offers yoga classes and the instructor is just amazing! She really makes like a whole mind, body experience and I find myself looking forward to it; especially after an intense spin class! lol I should be a spokesperson for yoga haha but it really does…
  • Whierd, Thanks :blushing: I really like it on here so far. Its nice to find a community of people that have the same goals! It is hard sometimes to talk to my friends who don't need to lose weight or who don't care about fitness.
  • Laybabe, I am sorry to hear about your injuries! I wish I could say mine was due to injury, but in reality it was the college life and laziness that made me out of shape. I hope that your injury improves, have you tried Yoga? It is amazing for the body! I have heard of people with Fibromyalgia coping with pain through yoga…
  • Whierd, Yup, I am a very positive, happy person! It takes a lot to get me down! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • Hexahedra, I am also trying to improve stamina and muscle tone, but I started this whole thing with weight loss in mind (I had a lot of extra weight lol). I saw that you do yoga, that is one of my favorite things. It has done wonders for my insomnia and I am becoming so flexible! I love it!
  • Sinead and Mrs T., It really is nice to relate with people who have similar goals! Thanks for adding me, I look forward to learning from your fitness experiences! :smile: Sinead, that is amazing that you are training for a marathon! I hope to one day be at that point as well, but 5k is the most I've done so far. I think I…
  • I am still new to clean eating so, I am sure there were a couple of things I ate today that were not necessarily "clean" but my biggest problem is, like you mentioned, shampoos, lotions, etc. Living in a small town, it is hard to find good, clean, organic stuff. We are slowly getting there with food options so, hopefully…