LadyKickAssington Member


  • When I used it once in the past, it was awesome. How are you?
  • Hi! I'm Nisha, We are in the same boat. I want to lose about 40lbs and would love some company on my journey. What state are you in?
  • A friend and I are going to began tomorrow as well! I am looking forward to this entire journey. It looks like sweet torture!!! If I miss posting for a year or so, then you will know that I didn't make it past the fit test before the paramedics had to be called.
  • Which weight burning microchip to have surgically implanted in your behind!...They say that you will lose 50lbs the first week and you don't have to exercise or change your eating habits!........Don't get the New Microsoft Windows chip......will crash and make you gain weight.
  • I am from Birmingham, Alabama!! Nothing like the South!
  • Hang in there!!!!! Praying for you!
  • I am currently 176 and my goal is 140-145, I have just begun my journey as well. I am well past ready! Got to get it done now! Feel free to add me! I am working on this with "CannibalisticVegetarian", so I am not alone. She helped me get started and encourages me. I hope I can help encourage you too! We will knock this…
  • Thank you everyone for the information and offer of support! It means a great deal! It is great to have help from all over!!!!!! Hope you all are doing well! Feel free to add me if you like!
  • Started week 1 last monday and had to stop, about to start it over again this week.....hope I make it through. Feel free to add me! good luck!!
  • Thanks everyone! This seems like it is going to awesome! I am looking forward to mingling with you guys!!
  • I saw a picture of myself and I looked like an oily pig. I went to the mall and tried on a dress and few other pieces.......I soon found out that I needed to issue an APB for my waist. This is so depressing. I can't wear any of my heels because my feet have gotten bigger :(
  • Hey girl! I can relate! I am 35, 178lbs, with a scoliosis and we are the same height! I carry my weight in my mid section, arms, feet and face. I have just started. I have NEVER been this big My heaviest was around 135. I find it hard to work out because of my back problems. I refuse to give up! It took all of us a while…
  • Hi Nick, I am Nisha 35, over weight, prediabetic with scoliosis. We are almost in the same boat! I am new to the site. I was invited by a friend and I am lost too! Hopefully, we can help encourage and educate each other! It feels a little better knowing that I am not alone in my struggle!!!