dont know what i am doing

help me name is Nick Morgan i joined this three days ago and i don't know what to track

i am borderline diabetic i need to lose 40 pounds or i am full blown
i have high blood pressure and i don't know what to track i dont want a heart attack

i can also use friends to help me feel free to add me i don't bite

and i am not active as of yet


  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Good on you for taking the first steps.

    The first and best thing you can do to improve your health is lose the weight. Most people track carbs, fats and protein. Since you have HBP and are boarder line diabetic, have you talked to your doctor about sodium and sugar levels?
  • LadyKickAssington
    LadyKickAssington Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Nick,

    I am Nisha 35, over weight, prediabetic with scoliosis. We are almost in the same boat! I am new to the site. I was invited by a friend and I am lost too! Hopefully, we can help encourage and educate each other! It feels a little better knowing that I am not alone in my struggle!!!
  • SerenitySage_x3
    SerenitySage_x3 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Nick,

    Firstly, welcome to the community. Secondly, relax. Weight loss is stressful enough, no need to stress yourself over the website - there are plenty of people here to help you. (:

    You pretty much track everything. When you put in your information on the website - unless you set your own custom goals - it gives you a net calorie target for the day. IE) I am allowed to net 1200 cals a day. If I don't exercise, that means I can only eat 1200. However, if I workout and burn 300 calories, I can eat 1500 cals that day. So basically, you're putting in the calorie information (and additional nutritional information if you have it or care to) into your food diary and it will do the math for you and tell you your goals and how many calories you have remaining for the day. I track everything. I would definitely recommend exercising if you can, at least for a little bit a day. I just started exercising for the first time in 4 years, and figured 15 minutes a day isn't too difficult. Changing eating habits can help you lose a lot of weight, but fitness is also important.

    Also, besides tracking calories, I also try to track my protein because I am iron deficient.

    Hopefully this cleared things up a bit for ya! All the nutritional information you need on items you eat will be on their labels or on the internet.
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: i add my sodium, fat, sugar, calories, protein & log my water daily! you can look at my diary if you like! i am a diabetic and have high blood pressure also but it is under control with medications! i have sent a friend request your way! i would be happy to help you through this journey!
  • Requiembell
    Requiembell Posts: 106 Member
    Good for you too start getting yourself in order.

    If your doctor hasn't done this with you already, go here:

    That will tell you what you need for the day.

    Given your condition don't go nuts. I would gradually reduce your calories, starting at 10%. not exceeding 20%

    The best thing you can start doing now is a brisk walk until you are less at risk.
  • serioussister
    serioussister Posts: 2 Member
    Glad you are on the journey. I am loving the myfitnesspal. I log in every day and put down what I have eaten. I'm staying at around 1600 calories a day and losing a pound a week. We are here for you!
  • simpsona5
    simpsona5 Posts: 24

    I was also boarderline Diabetic. However since loosing 10kg everyhting is now back within health range.

    I've said before on this web site, its not rocket science eat less, exercise more. Just take it easy you should find you will loose weight quicker at the start.

    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Hi Nick! I'm Pam. Welcome to the site. I track everything except my diet soft drinks, (I only drink 1-2/day) and my coffee, although I recently started logging my coffee creamer, (wound up being more than I thought). I eat around 2,000 cal's/day. If I exercise, I burn around 2,500 or better/day. I aim for a 500 calorie deficit. I just bought a body media, and I love it. I wear it on my arm and it tells me what I burn for the entire day, it was way more than I thought. I was previously eating around 1,200-1,400 cal's/day. All I can say, is that you should be careful what you put as your activity level. It can really effect your calorie goals if you under/overestimate. I realized, after getting the body media, that I'm actually "very active." Even if you don't exercise, it really does matter how often you are on your feet all day. I highly recommend you start some sort of exercise though, even if you just start off slow, like a slow paced walk. Being a diabetic, you should aim to eat healthy carbohydrates, the kind that won't spike your blood sugar, like 100% whole wheat bread, pasta, and rice. Also, look for lean meats, or beans for your proteins, and eat lots of veggies, and probably don't need to eat a whole lot of fruit, as it would spike your sugar levels. Your doctor should be able to give you info on what you can eat as a diabetic. You could also do a google search for a diabetic diet. That should give you some good info also. Good luck, and you can add me if you like. :smile:
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    I know all this news that you have gotten is stressful. But in order to succeed, I have found is to take things one step at a time.
    -First you will need to figure out your calorie goal (sometimes myfitnesspal can put you on something to low so try to use a TDEE calculator)
    -For exercise maybe try walking. Parking your car farther away, walking around the block and slowly increase the distance, speed, etc.
    -Have you gotten any information or teaching about diabetes? That might be something to do also. Research what foods to avoid.
    -Start adding portions of vegetables/fruit to your meals. Cutting back on carbs like pasta, rice, breads. Try to balance your plate with protein, carbs, fruits/veg.
    -And just be diligent in logging everything. Your hard work will pay off.
  • Kauaiartist
    Kauaiartist Posts: 86 Member
    I saw some of my friends connecting with you - so thought I'd put a shout out to you - just start logging, every meal - everything you eat and drink - and yes, exercise of some kind - walking is great if you have not exercised in a long time. Congratulations for doing something good for yourself. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. I'm trying to lower my cholesterol as well - my doctor advised me to cut waaaay back on carbohydrates/sugars - I'm sure that is advice your doctor would give you as well - I try to eat as "clean" a diet as possible - cutting out most processed foods - eating organic when i can - lots of veggies - fresh fruit - little to no red meat.

    Best of luck to you and again - add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • rrumbolt
    rrumbolt Posts: 94 Member
    your first step is to get a goal and stick with it.. i am diabetic that lost 53 LBS and still kicking at it, the inches are falling off too..what you need to do is eat lots and lots of salad.. with all the good veggies, low fat to no dressing.. tuna in low sodium water tortilla wraps with lots of salad in between.. i suggest eating lots of chicken breast and fish. 6 oz for supper. 2 cups of veggies, mrs dash is your friend as your a pre diabetic and you should not eat salt. carrots for snacks-sugar free yogurt. 1 tbs of peanut butter toast before bed. (the peanut butter keeps your sugar levels controlled while your sleeping.. i lived by small amounts of food working out everyday for 1/2 hour a day until i got to 2 hrs a day.. good luck
  • sgtlee13
    sgtlee13 Posts: 66
    Welcome! You took the first step and that's how everything needs to start!
    There's a lot of great people on here who will help motivate you and keep you going. Good luck to you, you can do this!