sven254 Member


  • I was 250 lbs at my HW (I'm 6'1") and it wasn't until I lost 35 lb (14%) that I started getting unsolicited compliments. It took me 8 months of steady weight control to get to my goal. I am now 200 lb and have kept at that weight for 6 months. Good Luck! :smile:
  • You've probably been building muscle, which is normal when you first start out. The same thing happened to me. It's been a year and a half and I've lost over 40 pounds and kept them off. Keep with the program and the muscle you're building will help burn more calories. You can do it!
  • I would really double check your scale. During my weekly weigh-in my scale said I had lost 25 pounds and then the next week I had gained 30 pounds. Even with a new battery, the scale was fluctuating wildly. Save yourself the heartache and get a new scale! I did, and I'm much happier. Good Luck!
  • Those are awesome goals! Keep up the good work.
    in Wii --- Comment by sven254 February 2010