clutter78 Member


  • Eat stuff with fat and protein in it and cut down on refined carbs. The F&P will leave you feeling less hungry for longer. I always buy pre packaged stuff so i know how much is in each item without the bother of weighing all the time (I do weigh fruit though) so string cheese & tofu hot dogs are my main foods. Good luck x
  • Thank you. Will see how i do tomorrow. Four days seems about right.
  • Also make sure you measure now, then on weeks you might not lose you can check that (when i get a plateau i always lose inches and when i lose weight i tend to stay the same size)
  • Thanks guys, will keep going for a while longer then maybe try a variation - more carbs through fruit and veg perhaps. Think i might be having too much salt too so may try to cut down on that. Have a lovely day x