plateau :-(

I'm feeling really despondent as i have been sticking to my 1200 calories a day since the 2nd of April and was steadily dropping every week then 3 weeks ago I suddenly stopped. I am swimming 3 or 4 hours a week and have done that too so no less energy used. I am doing low carb and feel good (I am a vegetarian and wasn't getting enough protein and now feel like i am). I am never tired or hungry. Has anyone got any suggestions. I feel at a bit of a loss. Thank you :-)
Also I have 35Ilbs still to go so i am not near my healthy goal.


  • mjschumacher100
    Up the carbs. Eat a nice big bowl of rice tomorrow. Up the total calories to 1650 as well. Don't weigh yourself the day after. Then go back to your 1200 calories. See what happens over the next few days. You will put on a little weight but should see nice results after the refeed.

    To be honest on such low calories (too low unless you have some kind of strange metabolic issue IMO) you will stall a lot. But just have constant refeeds and up the carbs every now and again.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    I hear you. I've dropped my cardio and upped my strength training and seen a 6lbs gain. Seeing as I only lost 25lbs to begin with, I feel like I've been slapped in the face.

    My advice is that you've already recognised that it is just a plateau, which means you also know it's not going to last. Stick to it. Do what you're doing. Don't take drastic measures to change it yet. If in a month nothing has changed, then review things and see where you can make changes. You say you have the energy to do your workouts, and that's great :)

    ...Just keep swimming!
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Any time you start a new exercise regimine, or increase intensity significantly, you are likely to see a gain in weight due to water retention. Your muscles develop microtears and your body treats this as an injury. It responds by causing inflammation and water retention at the tears to prevent infection (even though none is likely since the tears are small and internal). This can cause 5 to 10 lbs of water gain for 2 to 3 weeks. Once you reach that point, your body will treat the exercise as routine and will stop holding water. Give it some time and see if the weight doesn't come off in a month. Also, a tape measure will give you a much better sense of your results than the scale will. I've started doing Insanity and have seen no weight loss, but I have seen dramatic fat losses around my waist. Try not to let it get you down.
  • clutter78
    clutter78 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys, will keep going for a while longer then maybe try a variation - more carbs through fruit and veg perhaps. Think i might be having too much salt too so may try to cut down on that. Have a lovely day x
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    figure out your TDEE and Your BMR and eat at a 10-15% deficit under your TDEE and you will lose and still be able to enjoy food. 1200 calories is rarely enough to sustain weight loss.
    Knowledge is power,