russyg Member


  • I know how daunting gyms can be! I got worried about all the 'muscle Mary' types, all buff etc; and thought they'd be looking at me and realising I didn't have a clue on what I was doing. All good gyms will have qualified staff who will discuss what you want to do, and will advise on what equipment will be best for you.…
  • Just tried the link and it suggest increasing cal intake to 2091....big difference. I inputted data again but put a date of July in and it told me off saying the level of weight loss wanted (90lbs) in that time was bad LOL, but it recalculated that at 1800 calories I theoretically would reach my goal early Dec this year I…
  • I'm 6' and currently 314lbs. I started MFP a couple of years ago and managed to lose best part of 50lbs over 7 months. I was setting calorie targets at 1700 back then. My wife and I were both dieting, and were eating low cal ready meals, soups, and the like BUT with occasional cheats such as the odd take out every few…
  • Cheers guys. Really appreciate the advice. Apparently I'm ok for swimming (which I love), and as long as I don't go trying to break any freestyle records, all should be good. I'm also planning a dog walk route which will undoubtedly help! Many thanks again, and good luck! Russ
  • Hiya When I was a lot trimmer than I am, I used to have a home gym and would alternate between upper and lower body. Did the low weights high reps to shift weight, then gradually increased the weights to tone and build muscle. The walking to work will continually keep the legs happy (especially if there are hills!) so I…
  • I set my target at 1500 per day, as I really need to shift a lot of weight. Been eating well and not cheating but am struggling most days to reach the 1500 calories. With what I am eating, I feel full yet am concerned that I'm sometimes 300/400 BELOW the target. The last thing I want to do is eat more just to hit the 1500