Calorie counting

Ok if my page suggests 1700 im assuming to try get as near to this as possible?

or is it better to be abit under?


  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    The goal is definitely to get as close as possible, sometimes I even go over by a couple. Also, make sure you're netting those calories. Here are some helpful links to get you started :)
  • russyg
    russyg Posts: 7 Member
    I set my target at 1500 per day, as I really need to shift a lot of weight. Been eating well and not cheating but am struggling most days to reach the 1500 calories. With what I am eating, I feel full yet am concerned that I'm sometimes 300/400 BELOW the target.
    The last thing I want to do is eat more just to hit the 1500
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I set my target at 1500 per day, as I really need to shift a lot of weight. Been eating well and not cheating but am struggling most days to reach the 1500 calories. With what I am eating, I feel full yet am concerned that I'm sometimes 300/400 BELOW the target.
    The last thing I want to do is eat more just to hit the 1500

    You're a guy, you definitely need more than 1500. Like minimum 1600 net. I'm 5'3.5" 121 lb female and I eat 1650 sedentary and lose 1 lb a week. You don't want to lose too quickly, as that increases the odds of muscle loss vs fat loss. Calories are important for your body to function properly.

    There's this ridiculous stigma with losing weight where people feel like they need to starve themselves or cut out things to achieve success and it's just not true. If you're having issues meeting the calorie goal, ditch diet foods and low calorie things and find more calorie dense foods.
  • russyg
    russyg Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 6' and currently 314lbs.
    I started MFP a couple of years ago and managed to lose best part of 50lbs over 7 months. I was setting calorie targets at 1700 back then.
    My wife and I were both dieting, and were eating low cal ready meals, soups, and the like BUT with occasional cheats such as the odd take out every few weeks as a reward.

    This time we've been online and printed off healthier versions of our fave 'normal' foods, so the diet doesn't feel like a chore you know? Thing is we both seem to struggle achieving the cals.

    I'm thinking that if I increase the exercise (cardio and strength) AND up the intake to say 2000, I will still lose weight plus be able to keep muscle fat and tone those muscles that I have somewhere deep down???!!!!

    Either way, its bloody hard work...but I'm determined lol
  • I went to

    and this gave me a calorie goal to lose weight. I changed my calorie count in my fitness pal and have been trying to eat all the calories but I am usually 300-600 under. I have lost 8lbs since starting MFP and 18 all together since I started :)

    Feel free to add me!!
  • russyg
    russyg Posts: 7 Member
    Just tried the link and it suggest increasing cal intake to 2091....big difference.
    I inputted data again but put a date of July in and it told me off saying the level of weight loss wanted (90lbs) in that time was bad LOL, but it recalculated that at 1800 calories I theoretically would reach my goal early Dec this year

    I think I'll up to 1800 for a week or two and see what happens.

    I want to increase my exercise levels substantially too, so am guessing an even higher increase to compensate?

    I'll tinker on that calculator!

    Huge thanks!
  • Mine are at 1800 and I have been losing about 4lbs a week. I do not eat back my exercise points either and I usually stay about 200 to 600 under the calorie goal of 1800. When I dropped my calorie intake I was not losing. When I used the calculator and came up with the number I used that and have been successful with exercise and lots of water. I did not increase mine because of exercise. You can add me if you would like :)
  • Oh, your welcome :) I hope it helps you!!! Good luck!!